Sep 26, 2007

first time

Are those your eyes, is that your smile
I've been lookin' at you forever
But I never saw you before
Are these your hands holdin' mine
Now I wonder how I could of been so blind

For the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin' back at me
Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time...

Can this be real, can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you
It's all so strange how can it be
All along this love was right in front of me

For the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin' back at me
Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time...

Such a long time ago
I had given up on findin' this emotion...
Ever again
But you live with me now
Yes I've found you some how
And I've never been so sure

And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
Can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin' back at me
Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time...

I love this song so much...that since i heard someone sang to me and i realized what meaning is....
Luv you, bro...hope we're gonna see each other someday and someplace...

Sep 21, 2007

risK for loving

There is a risk involved in everything. Every time you share a smile, Every time you shed a tear, You are opening yourself up to hurt. Some people tread slowly through life, Avoiding the closeness risk brings, Sidestepping the things they can't understand, Turning away from those who care too much, Those who care too long, Those who hold too tightly. There is never an easy way to love. You cannot approach it cautiously. It will not wait for you to arm yourself. It does not care if you turn away. It is everywhere, it is everything. Love is the greatest of all risks. It is not reliable, it is not cautious, It is not sympathetic. It is unprejudiced and unmerciful. It strikes the strongest of mind. And brings them to their knees in one blow. Even in the best of times, love hurts. It hurts to need, it hurts to belong, It hurts to be the other part of someone else, Without either of your consent, But, from the moment it overtakes you, It hurts worse to be alone .....

Sep 17, 2007

city that i love

Puasa sudah jalan 5 hari, berarti bulan Ramadhan lagi bergulir...kebiasaan yang ada di negara kita pasti jauh-jauh hari mikirin di awal bulan Syawal harus kumpul bareng keluarga besar, gimanapun caranya...ya gak sih ?!...
Iya juga sih, gak juga gak masalah...itu juga yang tiba-tiba jadi rencana keluarga gw-padahal, sedari gw kecil, keluarga gak pernah bingung mikirin 'ntar mau lebaran dimana, ya karena kita gak ada tempat yang mau dituju buat sungkem (kata org jawa), istilahnya gak pernah pulang kampung, gak pernah ngrasain bingung beli tiket pesawat/kereta api/kapal api sekalipun, gak pernah ikutan bermacet-macet ria di sepanjang jalan, eh...ndilalah, bokap ngajakin ke Jogja buat lebaran...hah ??!?! Tau sih ada keluarga kakak disana (yang katanya gak bisa lebaran di Jakarta kali ini)...oalah pantes ! pasti bokap kangen berat 'ma cucu-cucunya ya... tau sih, tapi kok mendadak begini...pasalnya denger berita di TV tiket kereta api sudah tinggal 30% ! rata-rata yang habis daerah jawa tengah...weleh... gak ngebayangin kalo harus naik transport darat, macet total yang pasti. Tiket pesawat? huaaaa sdh naik berapa kali lipatnya 'tuh....(ini gw hunting persis 2 hari sebelum puasa mulai)...sempet bingung juga, sampe gw capek mikirinnya, agak sedikit stress waktu gw kalkulasikan pengeluaran total buat 'ntar...hahahaha...masalahnya sapa lagi yang bayar...hihihihi...tapi dipikir-pikir, ya namanya setahun sekali, gak apa kali...
Tepat sehari masuk Ramadhan, orang tua batalin pergi ke kota yang gw cintai itu... lho ! padahal 'dah seneng aja rame-rame liburan gitu...ngebayangin makan nasi kucing, gudeg, mie jawa yang di Kaliurang, sate sapinya, jajanan pasarnya, nasi keraknya, gethuknya, soto pak Marto, makan bubur ayam di halaman UGM, trus pecel plus jus tomatnya, belum lagi jalan-jalan di Malioboronya, dll dlsb....waaaaahhhh.....yummy !
Terakhir batal mimpi gw kesana, denger kabar kakak plus keluarganya mau datang ke Jakarta, walaupun bukan pas pertama Syawal (kakak udh lama juga gak lebaran disini)...
Tapi kenapa Jogja ya, gw pingin berkali-kali dateng...bukan juga karena gw orang Jawa, alamnya yg buat gw betah disana, selain makanan yang emang cocok buat lidah gw. Enjoy aja gw kesana, dan gw gak bosen-bosennya pergi ke Borobudur + Prambanan liat sendratarinya-kalo lagi full moon a.k.a. bulan purnama, magis ngliatnya (magisnya lain sama suasana Bali)...
Sudah 2 tahun gak liat Jogja-sejak ada gempa disana (gw sempat liat wedhus gembel dari puncak gunung), kangen banget lho liat Jogja...jadi keinget 'ma judul lagu Yogyakarta yang kesukaan kakak gw itu...

Pulang ke kotamu
Ada setangkup haru dalam rindu
Masih seperti dulu
Tiap sudut menyapaku bersahabat, penuh selaksa makna
Terhanyut aku akan nostalgi
Saat kita sering luangkan waktu
Nikmati bersama
Suasana Jogja

Di persimpangan langkahku terhenti
Ramai kaki lima
Menjajakan sajian khas berselera
Orang duduk bersila
Musisi jalanan mulai beraksi
Seiring laraku kehilanganmu
Merintih sendiri
Ditelan deru kotamu ...

Walau kini kau t’lah tiada tak kembali
Namun kotamu hadirkan senyummu abadi
Ijinkanlah aku untuk s’lalu pulang lagi
Bila hati mulai sepi tanpa terobati

Kalo keinget lagu ini,
persis seperti suasana kotanya...
untungnya gak ada kenangan apa-apa di sana...

Ijinkanlah aku untuk s'lalu pulang lagi ... Bila hati mulai sepi tanpa terobati...

Sep 4, 2007

awesome eyes

Percaya gak kalo mata adalah jendela hati, apapun yang lagi bergejolak di hati bisa terlihat di mata kita...apapun rasa itu, pinjem dari kata orang bijak. Tapi yang bisa gw rasain hanya kalo lagi falling in love, seperti ; dari lagi cinta dengan barang kesayangan sampe cinta dengan seseorang. Rasa di mata 'tuh indah aja lihat sekeliling, Iya gak sih ?!

Your eyes, filled with mystery,

I wish you’d have them on me,
Your eyes, filled with passion,
Flares with beauty’s incarnation.
Your eyes, makes my darkest day bright,
If only I could look at them late at night
Your eyes, tells me it’s a dream come true,
If only my other dreams were too.
Your eyes, could always comfort me,
I wish, they’d be mine for eternity,
Your eyes, makes eternity bliss,
Who could deny a miracle like this?
Your eyes, soft dark, yet bright,
I love the way they tell me “it’s all right”,
Your eyes, when you love, fills with emotion,
They would enchant me into the deepest ocean.
Your eyes, they tell me you don’t love me,
I hate the way your eyes can leave me lonely,
Your eyes, the beauty I can never understand,
These feelings embedded by the touch of your hand.
Your eyes, it’s a secret I can never keep,
I have somehow fell in love so deep,
Your eyes, how could God create this from above,
When he looked at you, how could He not fall in love?
Your eyes, the window to your soul and heart,
They make me want to be with you, never to part.
Your eyes, surpasses the beauty of paradise,
The only silent unnoticeable bliss I have… your eyes…

Dan pernah kejadian, gw liat mata seseorang yang lagi jatuh cinta, memang big different jadinya, amazing yach ! Indah....


di bawah ini penggalan song lyric...yang kemaren sempet gw dengerin dari CD, suara Clayaiken kedengaran menyayat di telinga gw...apa CD gw yang susak ya !?

I gotta take a little time

A little time to think things over

I better read between the lines
In case I need it when Im older

Now this mountain I must climb

Feels like a world upon my shoulders

I through the clouds I see love shine

It keeps me warm as life grows colder
In my life theres been heartache and pain

I dont know if I can face it again

Cant stop now, Ive traveled so far

To change this lonely life
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me

I wanna feel what love is

I know you can show me

Im gonna take a little time

A little time to look around me

Ive got nowhere left to hide

It looks like love has finally found me

In my life theres been heartache and pain

I dont know if I can face it again
I cant stop now, Ive traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is

I want you to show me

I wanna feel what love is

I know you can show me

Kenapa kok lagu ini ? Bukan, bukan gw lagi tergila2 'ma ini lagu, karena akhir2 belakangan hari banyak banget (kalo lebih dari hitungan 3, berarti bisa dibilang banyak kan ya?!) gw denger pasangan putus-nyambung-putus-jadian lagi.. dengan pake hitungan jari, maximalnya cuman hitungan bulan...
Hallah ! kok sepertinya gampang banget ngobral cinta...Dan bukan juga gw sinis.
Gw yg denger jadi aneh sendiri, sebenernya bisa dibilang kategori cinta gak sih mereka, apa sepintas emosi aja ?...
Apa mereka juga termasuk kategori orang2 yang cepet banget jatuh cinta ?
Kayaknya mereka yg bisa jawab deh...
Memang jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya kata orang, kalo itu mah gw setuju banget 'tuh.
Rasa yang ada gak bisa digambarkan...ngerti banget juga kalo itu...hehehe...
Hmmm, tapi lagi2 kita gak bisa ngebohongin hati, suka or kesengsem (gw pinjem istilah nyokap gw) sedikit aja bisa mereka kategorikan cinta 'tuh...
Tapi kita manusia bebas, boleh dan sah-sah aja mengekspresikan hati kan !
Yo wes'lah....mereka ikutan bahagia juga'lah...