Jul 30, 2007

...sometimes love just ain't enough

Jul 26, 2007

sorry, i love u

10 more minutes and it will be a new day
A new day but the same day
The same people, the same self
The same dashed hopes, the same let down right after the other, the same inadequacies, the same life, the same lovelessness, the same longing, 'n utter desire, despair for something real, for something right
The same longing for you.

But in 10 more minutes it will have been 5 months 7 days
Exactly 6 months since I said it 4 months since I give you a sign
A thousand years since I've been waiting for you to tell me something back

An eternity until I will ever find you.
You're not going to take me are you? Only 7 minutes left You said a few months.
A few weeks to figure it out
7 minutes, and it will have been three. But if you don't know by now, I don't believe you could want it Because you don't I don't want to start crying.
No, not yet
There are still 6 minutes left Why? Why don't I want to start to cry yet 6 minutes will not change what weeks could not I'll still be sitting in the corner of my bedroom, on the floor...
The drafty windows will still be letting in the cold air.
The phone will still stay silent. I will still be alone. And you will be missing I will still be wanting you Without you wanting me back. I wish I could go back Back to when you liked me Back to when I was good enough. Now somehow I'm not. I don't understand. Have I really changed? Or did you just start to see the real me? Did you leave when you found out too much? You left You left when you realized I wasn't right Just like everyone does. And I can't understand it I can't understand why no one ever wants to stay around me Why is it that they never want to hold on for that long What am I doing wrong Really.
Tell me.
I can't take this anymore Just tell me why I only have things for the time it takes for me to realize I love them? Just tell me why you don't think I'm good enough anymore You're the only person I believe. You're the only friend who hasn't lied to my face You're the only one that makes me feel special when you tell me I am You're the only one I trust So when you don't think I'm good enough, it hurts It really hurts And I just want to know why Why can't I ever be good enough 5 more minutes. You aren't going to change your mind in 5 minutes, are you? No. You won't But you would never tell me that Because you don't want to hurt me Which is why I love you And why it hurts me even more The fact that you care and I know that you care but you still don't want to have me I'm sorry I'm sorry for not knowing you liked me last year And for hurting you I'm sorry Not because I think if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be hurting now But because I care about you I love you And I always end up hurting the people I love I'm sorry I love you
Time 12:01
1 minute passed I'm sorry

It's hopeless ...

Jul 24, 2007

s o n g

I knew 'n heard this song for a long time ago, 'n liked so much, but for almost 2 years lately this song which i liked always it's turning for many times in my ear.

Words meaning are something deep inside me... :P

May you sing this song with me ? O.K !?
1 ... 2 ...3. ..

...Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes

Love is in the air
In the whisper of the trees
Love is in the air
In the thunder of the sea

And I don't know if I'm just dreaming
Don't know if I feel sane
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when you call out my name

Love is in the air
Love is in the air
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Love is in the air
In the rising of the sun
Love is in the air
When the day is nearly done

And I don't know if you're an illusion
Don't know if I see it true
But you're something that I must believe in
And you're there when I reach out for you

Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise

But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes...

Jul 18, 2007


Life is a hard road , that we all must travel Life is rough , when you walk on rocks and gravel.
If your life is easy , then there must be something wrong.

It doesn't matter what life brings you keep walking on.

As time goes on, and everyday you try to smile.

Just remember there's a heartache at the end of every mile.

Life just gets harder and harder everyday.

So don't go around expecting all good things on life's highway.

As times goes by and your life gets hard.

Life can be easy sometimes if you play the right card.

So listen to everthing i have to say
It's something to think about as you travel life's highway.

Jul 12, 2007

crazY listeninG 2 U

Beberapa ini hari gak denger suara2 yang asalnya dari station radio satu itu, kangen hebat gw, kaya' ada something miss...bisa dibilang seperti makan 'tuh gak pake minum...heheheheee, wuih ! segitunya ya...iya ! Gak tau nih keracunan or ketagihan, gak jelas gitu. Yang ngangenin 'tuh suara terutama jingle-nya...bikin gw smangat '45, rasanya woaaaahhh gitu... Tapi sayangnya (untung juga sih, klo gak tau) orang2 yang di dalam gak tau-gw ketagihannya sudah nglampaui ambang batas gini. Gw kira klo ketauan mereka pun...paling dianggap abnormal, mungkin juga dianggap normal alias biasa2 aja.

Kenapa kok gw jadi begini addict ??? What's wrong with me ???...

Jul 5, 2007

'gak bisa pindah ke lain station....

My fave station radio gw baru aja b'day...gak berasa waktu cepet banget, berarti gw dah 2 tahun nemenin ya...masih imut2nya nih radio... woaahh inget banget pertama gw denger nih station, GAK SENGAJA ! waktu itu perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor (spanjang daerah raya bogor arah senopati)...pas lagi males dengerin CD...nyaris lho gak ada sebulan gw langsung addict 'ma ini frekwensi-bingung juga, padahal dulu-dulu jaman sekolah...kuliah...gak pernah begini, dengerin radio juga kalo lagi mau aja. Tapi sejak 2 tahun yang lalu, gak pernah gw nglewatin moment-moment penting station ini, saking freak-nya gw sms tiap program2nya (itu gak sekali aja per program, berkali2), sampe gw hafal siapa yg lagi on air cuman dari suara penyiarnya aja sampe ikut segala jenis polling biar dpt hadiah, nyatanya banjir hadiah juga gw...hehehe, semua gw lakuin kaya' nagih gitu. Ampun deh ih...pasti pada geleng2 kepala liat kelakuan gw ini.
Nah apalagi kalo dengerin gak cuman berapa jam...24 jam gw stel kemana2, dirumah (kamar tidur, kamar mandi, sambil nonton tv), di kantor, di mall...pokoknya kalo frekwensinya gak nyata alias kresek2, gw yg sedih banget, perasaan gw down banget. Wuih gila asli...!!!

Pasti pada nanya,
Kenapa kok gw sampe segila itu?
Apa sih yg buat gw jadi se-addict itu?
Pertama, lagu2nya-lagu2 gw banget (aliran gw),
Kedua, lama2 isinya yg bikin gw pinter soal otomotif,
Ketiga, penyiar2nya yg bisa dibilang yach...(?)
Keempat dan seterusnya jadi keseluruhannya, satu package.
Gw udah pernah nyoba bandingkan ke station sebelah-kali aja rasa addict gw salah, ternyata emang gw gak salah, emang station ini pas banget ngramu programnya. Jadi 'tuh sehari gak denger ini station, rasanya ada yang kurang, apalagi pernah 3-4 kali gw ke luar kota buat beberapa hari...uuuugghhh, blingsatan...hahaha...sampe2 gw teteup kirim sms juga ke mereka...biarin gw gak bisa denger juga.

Gak tau gw ini salah apa gak, yang gw tau cuman gw gak bisa pindah ke lain station...