Oct 3, 2007

your town, i choose

Take me once again to the hill above your town.
Waltz a lazy circle in the centre of the road.
Love in quiet passion to the cricket's secret song.
Dry my tears and murmur over all my lonely times.

Take me to the someplace mid the trees across the road.
Claim for me a blessing and remission of my sins.
Share again the vows that will always keep us one.
Join again my hoping for someone.

Take me always keep me through the lessons of this life.
Talk with me to keep our purpose one.
Forgive in me my selfishness and teach me gentle love.
Pray one day that we be man and wife.

When we've walked and talked and loved again this breathless night.
And looked to depth once more in much loved eyes.

Lock your car - discard the key.
For once for all, my love for me.
Please drive me home in mine.

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