Dec 2, 2010

mix juice

Bahan:300 g jambu biji merah
150 g stoberi, cuci bersih
2 sdm susu kental manis
2 sdm air jeruk lemon/nipis
100 g es batu

Cara Membuat: 
1. Kupas jambu biji dan buang bijinya. Potong-potong.
2. Masukkan potongan jambu biji, stroberi, susu kental manis, air jeruk lemon dan es batu ke dalam blender. Haluskan hingga lembut.
3. Siapkan gelas saji, tuang jus hingga gelas penuh. Hias sesuai selera, sajikan segera.

manfaat (aiR) gaRam

Rasanya sulit dinalar jika mengatasi batuk-pilek dengan air garam saja. Biasanya jika tidak mengeluarkan banyak uang, pengobatan itu kan paling tidak harus sedikit rumit.. Ambil saja contoh, untuk mengobati maag dengan air kunyit kita harus membeli kunyit, mengupas dan memarut kunyit dengan tangan belepotan warna kuning yang tidak hilang-hilang. Nah, untuk mengobati batuk-pilek ini kita cukup ke dapur saja dan melarutkan sejumput garam!

Namun cara tradisional dengan garam ini memang manjur lho. Sebuah penelitian di the Mayo Clinic, yang melibatkan 400 orang secara acak selama musim batuk dan pilek, menemukan bahwa berkumur dengan air garam sebanyak tiga kali sehari bisa mengurangi infeksi pernafasan hingga lebih dari 40 persen. Tidak hanya untuk yang sehat saja, mereka yang sudah terkena batuk-pilek juga mengalami tingkat pengurangan infeksi yang sama.

Bagaimana bisa sejumput bahan yang selalu ada di dapur kita ini memerangi gangguan batuk-pilek yang menjengkelkan itu? The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies menjawab rasa penasaran Anda. Jawabannya adalah, larutan garam atau disebut juga larutan saline, bisa menghilangkan kelebihan cairan dari jaringan yang meradang di dalam tenggorokan, dan dengan demikian sakit pada tenggorokan pun menjadi berkurang, jelas Dr. Philip T. Hagen seperti dikutip dari The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies.

Beliau juga menambahkan bahwa berkumur dengan air garam juga efektif mengencerkan dahak sehingga mudah dikeluarkan. Dengan demikian, reaksi batuk-batuk karena dahak yang susah keluar juga akan reda. Dahak akan keluar membawa bakteri, jamur dan bahan penyebab alergi lainnya sehingga Anda pun terbebas dari batuk.

Tak hanya bermanfaat hanya sebatas menghilangkan sakit tenggorokan, butiran mungil berwarna putih ini juga dapat berguna untuk ...

Pembasuh Mata. Untuk meredakan sakit mata, dalam keadaan darurat gunakan air garam untuk membasuh mata. Bila keluhan tak berkurang, segeralah memeriksakannya ke dokter mata.
Obat Kumur. Air hangat yang telah dibubuhi sedikit garam merupakan pencuci mulut yang efektif. Begitu juga bila terkena radang tenggorokan. Masukkan sedikit garam ke dalam air panas, aduk perlahan lalu gunakan sebagai obat kumur.
Gigi Putih. Gigi yang terlihat kusam akan kembali cemerlang dengan cara menaburkan garam kering ke ujung bulu-bulu sikat gigi Anda saat akan menggosok gigi.
Sikat Gigi Awet. Merendam sikat gigi yang masih baru dalam larutan air garam akan membuat sikat gigi menjadi lebih awet dipakai.

Sep 27, 2010


Bite me!
‘Cause I offer free samples
I hope you’ll like me

I don’t scream out to you from the shelf
But I’m not invisible either
I might look a little rough around the edges
But touch me and you’ll discover I’m actually soft on the inside.

My essence is sweet, not too rich
I’ll always have a warm centre
Even though you keep me outside
(Hold me closer…I won’t bite.)

Sep 21, 2010

miNe ... yoUrs?

This is my identity
one of my quality
never question its presence
it would never make sense

Being me,
Being me,
Don't you try to change me,
or else i would flee.

Voices i raise
when you are wrong
though you love your praise
but that's the way i've been along

I stand up for me
as the time has come
who cares whose next to me
all have grown numb

You'll never realize what i am,
Coz this is my identity
I listen to the inner me
one of my quality.

Jun 23, 2010

ate all


May 31, 2010

how 2 be hAppY

First of all, be realistic. Nobody is happy all of the time and it is perfectly normal to have variations in moods and feelings from day to day, month to month, and even year to year, overall levels of happiness decline from one's teens until one's 40s and then pick up until they peak in one's early 70s. So the chances are that your happiest days are yet to come. Doesn't that make you happier? At any time and at any age, though, it is possible to feel happier than you have been and here are some ideas for you to consider.

* Most fundamentally, recognise that happiness is a state of mind and not something which can be defined objectively. You can change your state of mind in many ways including these suggestions.

* Perhaps above all, be as healthy as you can. Nothing is more valuable than your health and little is more likely to make you unhappy than ill-health.

* More importantly than anything else, if you can live with a partner whom you love and respect and who feels the same about you. Kiss and cuddle and compliment often and regularly buy unexpected little gifts. Share your triumphs and your troubles.

* When you're old enough and in a steady relationship, have a son or a daughter. Tell them often how much you love and admire him/her and do anything to help him/her.

* Have a pet. Stroke often.

* Keep in close touch with relatives and a small circle of friends. You can't beat their love and support. Don't be afraid to admit when you're down and need a lift. Don't expect them to be mind readers - say how you feel and what you need.

* Conversely, if there's a person in your life who is a negative influence and who is dragging you down in some way, don't be afraid to remove such a person from your life.

* Smile a lot. Smiles make you miles better - and you smiling will make others smile.“Always wear a smile. The gift of life will then be yours to give.”

* Laugh a lot. If you need some help try read some joke book or get joke link.

* Say what you mean and mean what you say. Honesty really is the best policy.

* Be politely assertive. Say how you feel and explain what you want. Friends and colleagues can't be mind readers.

* Give lots of compliments. You will make others feel good about themselves and find that this gives you pleasure too.

* Give small gifts to your friends. To give is even more pleasurable than to receive.

* For a special thrill, perform acts of kindness anonymously so that the person benefiting does not know that you're responsible. If you don't understand this, watch the American film “Analyze This” or “Avatar” or “American Beauty” or “America's Sweethearts”.

* When your birthday is coming, prepare a list of the presents you'd like and give it to a partner, relative or friend to 'manage'. That way people won't struggle to choose a gift for you and you'll receive what you want and like.

* Spend less than you earn. The figures may have changed and the decimal system may have arrived.

* Use your credit card as a convenient way to pay for your major expenditures on a monthly basis - not to obtain credit at an outrageous level of interest.

* As Shakespeare put it in "Hamlet", "Neither a borrower nor a lender be". Don't borrow money unless you absolutely have to (for instance, to buy a house or car). Don't lend money - even to relatives - unless you genuinely don't mind if it's not repaid.

* Give regularly to the charities of your choice. Make at least one of those charities an organisation addressing world poverty. Regularly increase your contributions as your income rises.

* If you are a woman, get your hair done. This will always make you feel better about yourself. I'm afraid I don't know of a male equivalent to this.

* Surround yourself with pleasant smells. Have flowers, pot-pourri or scented candles in most rooms of the house and in your office.

* Stay close to nature. Have flowers and plants in your home and office. Spend time in the garden or local park. Take walks in the countryside and by the seaside.

* Every so often, spend a little time observing the night sky. As you contemplate the distances and time involved, it will put your life and your concerns into more perspective.

* Read a quality newspaper on a daily basis. Learning is fun and the easiest way to learn is to check out news and features each day so that, over time, your knowledge and interests grow and deepen.

* Take a weekly or monthly magazine reflecting a personal interest. You'll come to really look forward to each new issue, like a visit from a friend.

* Read regularly and widely. Good fiction will widen your vocabulary and put you in touch with your emotions, while a range of non-fiction will extend your knowledge and interests.

* Listen to some rousing music. For classical music, try Saint-Saëns Symphony No 3 (organ) or Beethoven's Symphony No 9 ('Ode To Joy'). For popular music, try "Atomic" by Blondie or "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

* Have a favourite television programme, so that you can really look forward to seeing it. Not recomended local soap opera or sinetron.

* Watch TV on your holiday religion television every few years. It's really life-affirming.

* Go out and see a good movie. A romantic comedy - something like "When Harry Met Sally ..." or "Bridget Jones's Diary" or "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" - usually works well.

* Treat yourself often to something 'cheap and cheerful' that you like - chocolates, flowers, a magazine, a cake, a CD. It costs little and you're worth it.

* Cultivate a few favourite places to eat and drink outside the home. Then, when you go to familiar café or restaurant where you like the ambience and the menu and the staff know you, you'll feel comfortable and content.

* Stretch yourself physically. At the minimum, regularly go for a brisk walk - it will raise your spirits. If you can, join a gym and take more vigorous exercise - it will make you feel good and lengthen your life. Aerobics, Pilates, and yoga are other possibilities.

* Stretch yourself mentally. Go on courses on different subjects - they don't have to be academic courses (they can be at your local college) and they don't have to be long (they can be as short as a day or even half day). Read books on subjects with which you are unfamiliar but in which you have an interest.

* Stretch yourself geographically. Go to places you've never seen before. Even in your home town, try taking a different route than usual and notice the different locations that you've never seen before.

* Do something you've never done before, like visiting a particular art gallery or museum or traditional opera or going to a ballet (or even just taking a different route to a familiar location). You'll probably surprise yourself at how much love it and you'll have found a new interest.

* Do something creative. This might be writing stories or poems; it might be painting pictures or learning to play an instrument; it might be gardening or growing food.

* Join a group with a purpose that meets regularly. This might be a gym group, drama group; it might be a political party or campaign group; it might be a further education course.

* If you can afford it, take regular holidays in different towns/countries and savour different cultures.

* Keep a gratitude journal. This is a notebook in which every week or so you list those things for which you're currently grateful.

* Keep a diary. It will give structure to your life, an easy way to revisit good times, and a reminder that bad times don't last.

* Take lots of photos. You'll love looking at happy times and old friends.

* Have a political vision on how to create a better world - and do something to make that vision more of a reality.

* If you can believe, have a religious faith.

* Arrange strong IT support. In this age of technological dependence, little is more upsetting than PC or Internet problems, so at work have a great relationship with the IT Department and at home have a techie friend or a local IT professional whom you can call upon when in trouble.

* One way of dealing with a difficult problem is to imagine how you will feel about that problem next week, next month, next year. Now try to bring those feelings into the present. It will give you a sense of perspective. Problems rarely look so formidable in retrospect.

* If you are uncomfortable or frightened about a situation, try to take yourself to a mental safe place which you have previously created in your mind and where you feel relaxed and comfortable. It might be an imaginary garden or beach or just an image of your study or bedroom.

* If you're stuck for advice on a problem, ask a taxi driver. Cab drivers think they know everything and they don't charge you extra for giving you solutions to all the world's problems for the duration of the journey.

* If you're down, remember it could be a lot worse.

* If you've still got problem and you're still down, remember the line from the actor Jason Lee, in his role as Brian Shelby, in the movie "Vanilla Sky": "Without the bitter, baby, the sweet ain't as sweet".

* As M People put it in their pop song, "Look for the hero inside yourself". You are someone very special - so you should respect yourself. If you can't, why should anyone else?

* Whatever your age, it's never too young to start planning your retirement. Regularly increase your mortgage repayments and pension contributions - this is a sensible use of the money you don't need for current expenditure and it will increase your longer-term lifestyle options.

* Make a will, detailing the arrangement for your funeral and the dispersion of your assets. The only thing certain about your life is that it will end, so have peace of mind that the circumstances that follow your death will as far as possible be as you wish them to be.

* Make arrangements to donate your organs on your death. That way, even your leaving of this world will give something special to others.

* Remember that all generalisations are dangerous (even this one). So don't regard these tips as instructions, but as suggestions.

* If all else has failed, view several funny/comedy videos

* However, if you try out all these suggestions and you're still not happier, you're either an android or an alien. In the former case, see an electronics engineer - or watch "Blade Runner". In the latter case, go home to your own planet and tell your people that we humans will survive... :D


In a World where many have ulcers due to worry and stress
And where people are judged by material success
And since everyone answers to the reaper's call
The happy one is the most successful of all.

For the top job the happy one does not compete
And the happy one never feels sad in defeat
Not to be a hero or catch the big fish
Just to be happy in life is the happy one's wish.

The happy one can be a he or a she
But to find such a person do not look for me
Since like many others i feel weighed down by care
Though people like me they have never been rare.

The happy one everyone wishes to know
And the friends of the happy one in numbers grow
One who is not tainted by conceit or guile
And one who finds it easy to laugh and to smile.

May 10, 2010

bikin yuk jus jeruk jahe


* 6 buah jeruk di peras
* 1 sdm jus lemon segar
* 2 sdt jahe segar (parut halus)
* 2 buah pisang
* 1/4 cangkir madu mentah
* Es batu (sesuai selera)

Cara Membuat:

1. Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender
2. Blender sampai halus
3. Minum langsung


May 9, 2010


Anger building up
So close to exploding
I am so close to the edge
No second thoughts before knowing
My body shakes with anger
The line is so close
Slowly starting to overstep that line
My eyes start to tear up
Softly falling down my cheeks
Anger invades me
Precisely and carefully taking over
The human passion that can help or destroy me
I feel like I'm alone in this small world
But the anger becomes my friend
My body crumbles to the ground
I wake up screaming...!!!

May 7, 2010

i must believe

The road may be long
In myself I must believe
Because my heart is strong

The mountain may be steep
In myself I must believe
Therefore I will not weep

In the face of adversity
In myself I must believe
I’m the master of my destiny

When facing an angry wave
In myself I must believe
Because I’ll always be brave

In spite of life’s complexity
In myself I must believe
Because I will trust serenity

I’ll always do my best to strive
For in myself I’ll always believe
Because my soul is joyful and alive

May 2, 2010

power of one

Glittering on a wave.
The moon on the sea.
An empty beach.
A solitary figure.
All alone.
you can feel my emptiness from here...

do i?

Why do I smile at the sound of your voice?
Why do I let you take over me as if I had no choice?
Why do I let you touch me in places never touched?
Why do I like to have you around so much?

Why do I melt at the tenderness of your kiss?
Why do I feel like I could live forever like this?
Why do I put my heart in your hands?
Why do I answer to your every demand?

Why do I tell you leaving me is not your wrong?
Why do I let you know with out you I'm not quite as strong?
Why do I take you back even though I know it's not right?
Why do I feel like I should please you by not putting up a fight?

Why do I care about you even though you hurt me?
Why do I turn my head from what's plain reality?
Why do I try to hide from what is true?
Why do I still have these feelings for you?

Apr 27, 2010


I hope that you well get by
I hope that you well love me
I hope that you well care for me
I hope that you and I are happy
I hope that the day well came when we meet
I hope that you like what you see
I hope that you well love me
I hope that you and I well always be happy
I hope that you well not make me cry
I hope that we will last for life
I hope that love is what we will see in one other
I hope that you well never live me
I hope
I hope
I hope this well came true
I hope
I hope
I can only hope

make you think I'm happy

I'm gonna smile
And make you think I'm happy.
I'm gonna laugh
So you won't see me cry.
Even if it kills me, I'm gonna smile...
So remember this,
I force myself to smile,
For you....

Apr 26, 2010

woN't cRy

You see the pain that lies in her eyes,
But, alas, her eyes are dry,
She won't cry.
No, she won't cry.

You see the anger that burns from her gaze,
The madness that sets her eyes ablaze,
She won't cry.
No, she won't cry.

You see the fear that closes her eyes,
The smile she wears is but a disguise,
She won't cry.
No, she won't cry.

You see the hope that is finally dead,
She cannot trust for her heart has been bled,
She won't cry.
No, she won't cry.

You see the love that lies within,
But she shall never love again,
She won't cry.
No, she won't cry.

You see death's hand that has glazed her eyes,
No one saw her die inside,
She won't cry.
No, She won't cry.

Apr 24, 2010

ever-lasting LOVE

I can’t repay the lessons That you taught when I was small.

Or give you gift for gift The daily treasures I recall...

I can’t return encouragement And loving words of praise.

In quite the way you did for me Through all my childhood days.

But there is one gift that I can give, It’s all the love you’ve earned.

For love is what you always taught... And love is what I learned.

Words can not express the gratitude that I feel!


As I sit alone in my room tonight
It sure is a change from the same old fight
I want to be held and loved tonight
To share all my dreams with the man who lost sight
Hold on or let go I need to decide
But oh how I wish you were here by my side
Changes have come and loneliness fades
When I learn to accept the choices you made
My dreams have been shattered and nightmares occur
When I drive past the home that you always called yours
I've experienced pleasure and got to know pain
The others involved has made me insane
The love that I had has turned into pain
A man will appear, whom I won't have to blame
The tears soon will pass, as God pulls me near
The lessons are taught, and soon should be clear
Be happy and helpful, and hold your head high
Because sooner or later we must say goodbye
Be honest in life and flowers will bloom
Remember me always and erase all the gloom
Because life is a treasure that will shine like the moon

what about YOU??? ... *4 U*

What about you
What's going on
Baby that someone that I used to know is gone
What about us
The promise we made
We said that we will never die
We try to work it out
So tell my why
Am I still hurting inside

What am I gonna say to make it better
It's now or never, do or die
What am I gonna do to make this love last forever
I still believe that what we said is true
What about you

What about love
'Til death do us part
Baby is there still a place for me inside your heart
What about dreams
Are they still alive
We said that they will never die
We try to work it out
But tell my why
Are we still living a lie

What am I gonna say to make it better
It's now or never, do or die
What am I gonna do to make this love last forever
I still believe that what we said is true
What about you

Why am I still hurting inside
Why are we still living a lie

What am I gonna say to make it better
It's now or never, do or die
What am I gonna do to make this love last forever
I still believe that what we said is true
If only I can make you feel it too
what about you...

What about you.....
(song of Lala)

Apr 19, 2010

eS cappuCcinO dari Kopi iNstan

500 ml air panas
1 sdm kopi instan
1/2 kaleng susu kental manis cokelat
whipping cream secukupnya
50 gram cokelat masak, lelehkan

Taburan: kayu manis bubuk

1. Siapkan gelas tuangi dengan es batu secukupnya.
2. Seduh kopi dengan air panas, aduk rata, tambahkan susu kental manis cokelat, aduk rata.
3. Tuangkan ke dalam gelas, hias dengan whipping cream dan cokelat masak leleh, taburi kayu manis bubuk.
4. Sajikan dingin.

Hmmmmm ...slurrup

Apr 18, 2010

nO one

Walking along the odd named streets
No one is there, no one is there
Pigeons bow politely on little feet
Clouds rest above the rising heat
And no one is there, no one is there

What I'm looking for is found no where
No one is there, no one is there
Favored journeys once packed with care
Marks on the map just add to the wear
And no one is there, no one is there

If ever I saw your face at my door
I'd cancel my debts and never feel poor
But clocks are ticking and trains are leaving
Maps worn out with dues I've been paying
Still no one is there, no one is there .....

Apr 3, 2010

Official Theme Song World Cup 2010

Ooooooh Wooooooh

Give me freedom, give me fire,
give me reason, take me higher

See the champions, take the field now,
you define us, make us feel proud

In the streets are, exaliftin ,
as we lose our inhabition,

Celebration its around us,
every nation, all around us

Singing forever young,
singing songs underneath that sun

Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.

And together at the end of the day.


When I get older I will be stronger

They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

When I get older I will be stronger

They'll call me freedom

Just like a wavin' flag

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

And then it goes

Oooooooooooooh woooooooooohh hohoho

Give you freedom, give you fire,
give you reason, take you higher

See the champions, take the field now,
you define us, make us feel proud

In the streets are, exaliftin,
every loser in ambition,

Celebration, its around us,
every nations, all around us

Singing forever young,
singing songs underneath that sun

Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.

And together at the end of the day.


When I get older, I will be stronger

They'll call me freedom

Just like a wavin' flag

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

When I get older I will be stronger

They'll call me freedom

Just like a wavin' flag

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

And then it goes

Wooooooooo Ohohohoooooooo !
OOOoooooh Wooooooooo


When I get older I will be stronger

They'll call me freedom

Just like a wavin' flag

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

When I get older I will be stronger

They'll call me freedom

Just like a wavin' flag

And then it goes back

And then it goes back

And then it goes

Wooo hooooo hohohohoooooo

And everybody will be singinit

Wooooooooo ohohohooooo

And we are all singinit

Mar 16, 2010

my BDAY daD

I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?

For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?

Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?

If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew it all along.
You're still number one in my book

Happy Birthday, Dad

Mar 10, 2010

aNotheR yeAr

A birthday is just another day,
young of mind, yet youthful looks go away.
Another year older,
the world seems a bit colder.
Yet my heart still burns,
and for love it forever yearns.
Another year older,
I grow even bolder.
Life is for us to learn from,
as calculated as a mathematical sum.
Another year older,
hurting blazes now just smolder.
Letting go of past rage and pain,
living life and feeling sane.
Another year older,
a tear on your shoulder.
Life has not been so bad,
my tear is of joy not because I'm sad.
Another day older,
more pages added to my folder.
I'm glad of whom I am today,
I would not have myself any other way.
So don't mind that I write my own birthday rhyme,
I've lived through my life up till this time.
I think it is safe to say,
that things will go as planned God way.
God's got more for me yet,
It'll be even better I bet.
Another year older,
and I am in God debt.
Happy Birthday for me ...

Mar 9, 2010


I hope... for the way
the glory road of the free
but, I fear the coming day
when I get the fruits of my tree

I hope... true... comes my dream
the shining flames of my soul
the signs...... yet didn't came
what comes behind the unknown wall

Feb 18, 2010


I feel so tired,
I want to close my eyes,
Forever eternal,
I feel so stressed,
I want to rip work to shreds.

My face is hot,
I want time to stop,
I don't want more work,
But I will get more,

I'm drowning,
In stress,
And hurt.

I have no time for feelings,
I have not time for friends,
Go on without me world,
As I continue to suffer,
Over my head,
In stress.

Feb 6, 2010

hapPy B'daY, mom

Mom, your birthday is
the most special day of the year,
because without you I wouldn’t have
the all encompassing comfort
of a mother’s unconditional love…
your love, for me.
You are always there for me, Mom.
Whenever I need you,
to cheer me up, make me smile,
bolster my confidence,
or sympathize with me and ease my worries,
you fill up my empty, hurting places
with your boundless affection.
Your loving presence in my life
gives me a reassuring feeling
of security and peace.
Thank you, Mom,
and Happy Birthday!

Jan 27, 2010

my HeRo

He's always there, A time to share
How I feel, what I need and what I should do
Lucky to be here with family and friends
If he would have cut himself or opened a wound
When he was little he would have bled to dealt
I'm lucky I have the person I have
Not another or a brother
Raised me most of my life
What a great person he is
He's there for me through thick and thin
Where ever, when ever and what ever
So many songs relate to my life and him
Not enough to tell him that I love him
Say's he's not the greatest and we deserve better
In my book he's top notch and my hero
He comes home, I hear the vehicle
Run to see him all caked with dirt
Makes me laugh when he jokes
What a great person to have
Might smell like cigarette
I don't mind, not anymore
Give me a hug and it'll last forever
Feels right and soft, like a fuzzy bear
There's no place I'd rather be
Not when watching TV with you
You even support what I do
He's amazing
I love him so
More then you'll ever know
This man I talk about
He's my one and only DAD
My life has been like a real disaster
He's right there helping me get back to normal
This is for you dad
and always will
You’re the best and don't forget it.

Jan 20, 2010

loSt dReams

On the Wings of Dreams
I'm flying free
with a dreamer's dream,
To a land without fear, darkness, and doubt...
Where shadows and hauntings
of all time and space,
Are rainbows with colors that endlessly grace...
happiness, hope, and all joys to embrace.

A land with no storms, without pouring rains,
where changes abound and great comfort remains...
Where all hate is replaced,
all questions erased...
Where new memories are shaped,
with wonderous light...
of romance and love, before out of sight...
A dreamland of heaven without jaded thought,
where butterflies are free,
their colors uncaught...
With milk oceans to see,
fresh air to breathe...
Countless flowers and trees,
fragrancing the soft whispering breeze.
No more webs of deceit,
where lovers have fought...
No battles of hopelessness,
where all love is lost.

Maybe our dreams hold the land of our thoughts,
Or maybe our hearts have learned lessons well taught.
It is the stairway to heaven,
this dreamland we seek...
Hopefully for all is more than a peek...
at a future end to the ultimate pain,
of great loyalty and love...
lost and estranged.

This dance of life I endlessly write,
Is an end to the pain, and every soul's light.
To a life fulfilled at the end of our time...
to dream second chances for new love we can find.
Here's to all of us ending our heavenly climb,
With the company of romance and love light sublime.

Jan 15, 2010

yesterDay - preSent - tomorroW

Yesterday is now today!
Yesterdays' today is in the past.
Yesterdays past is today's past,
but yesterdays' tomorrow is today's' past, and its' future.

Tomorrow's' past is today's' future,
and tomorrow is today by now.
Tomorrow doesn't know yesterday,
but tomorrow's yesterday knows the future and the past.

Today is the future and the past.
Today's' future is now the past.
Today's' past is in the future,
but today's' future is tomorrow's past and future.

The futures past can be today.
The future is tomorrow and today.
The futures future is in the future,
but the future knows the past, tomorrow, today, and yesterday.

Jan 12, 2010

kloP aja !

Bukan musimnya niat ikut2an.
Cuma kebetulan..
Asik aja rasanya...
Dan bisa di nikmati....
Sakit gigi, dengerin musik GIGI di 11 Januari.....

Sebelas Januari bertemu,
menjalani kisah, cinta ini
Naluri berkata,
engkaulah, mi-lik-ku

Bahagia selalu dimiliki,
bertahun menjalani bersama mu
Ku nyatakan bahwa,
engkaulah, ji-wa-ku

Akulah penjaga mu
Akulah pelindung mu
Akulah pendamping mu
Di setiap langkah-langkah mu

Pernah ku menyakiti hati mu,
pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua karena, kita ini, ma-nu-sia

Kau bawa, diri ku, ke dalam hidup mu
Kau basuh, diri ku, dengan rasa sayang
Senyum mu juga sedih mu, adalah hidup ku
Kau sentuh, cinta ku,
dengan lembut…
dengan sejuta warna

Jan 11, 2010

giGi, oooh ... gIGi

Ada salah satu karya syair lagu cukup terkenal-jenis dankdut, kalo ;
... Lebih baik sakit gigi daripada sakit hati ...

Uuughhh buat gw ga bangets..
Kenapa? Rasanya kalo sakit hati masih bisa tidur malam yang nyenyak, bisa di lupakan barang sebentar. Sepertinya itu masuk akal.
Tapi sakit gigi.. Euleuh2, mana bisa tidur nyenyak kalo reaksi obatnya sudah tuntas, yang ada kepala malah ikut nyut2an.. Betul kan!?
Ga nyangka seperti ikutan siskamling, ngikut keliling-tiap jamnya jelas banget denger yang hansip ngronda mukulin tiang listrik. Sedih memang, gak tercantum punya jadwal jaga malam tapi ternyata ikut full berpartisipasi.

Ini sama sekali bukan salah dokter gigi yang ga bisa ngobatin, tapi salah dokter gigi yang ga bisa nyari sebab ujung sakitnya-kurang gigih aja jadi dokter :p
Jadinya yang ada bongkar pasang-bongkar pasang, untungnya aja belum turun mesin.

Kata orang tercinta, nikmati sakitnya...
Mungkin juga kata lainnya nikmati suasana malam yang hening sunyi (meski ada suara mendengkur yang naik turun).
Nikmati ...