Aku mentari tapi tak menghangatkanmu
Aku pelangi tak memberi warna di hidupmu
Aku sang bulan tak menerangi malammu
Akulah bintang yg hilang ditelan kegelapan
Selalu itu yg kau ucapkan padaku
Sebagai kekasih yg tak dianggap
Aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah
Menahan setiap amarah
Aku sang bulan tak menerangi malammu
Aku lah bintang yg hilang ditelan kegelapan
Back to Reff:
Sebagai kekasih yg tak dianggap
Aku hanya bisa mencoba bersabar
Ku yakin kau kan berubah
Dec 14, 2008
NoVember yg sepi
Judul diatas bukan buat judul lagu atau
judul cerita fiksi atau
judul cerita melankolis atau juga bukan buat
judul cerita hayalan gw aja...hehehe...
judul ini buat bulan kemaren, tepatnya bulan November yg blog gw ini sepi dari tulisan keluh kesah selama bulan yg udah dilewati.
Bukan berarti gak ada yg perlu di keluh kesahin,
Justru semakin banyak dan semakin bingung buat nulisnya disini :D
So...liat aja apa bulan December ini yg sudah terlewati selama 2 minggu akan ada tulisan sebanyak bulan2 yg sudah2, apalagi mengingat mau akhir tahun dengan banyaknya event, entah itu event pribadi/event keluarga/event org lain :P moga2 bs serajin dulu.
December...I'm still coming !!!!!
judul cerita fiksi atau
judul cerita melankolis atau juga bukan buat
judul cerita hayalan gw aja...hehehe...
judul ini buat bulan kemaren, tepatnya bulan November yg blog gw ini sepi dari tulisan keluh kesah selama bulan yg udah dilewati.
Bukan berarti gak ada yg perlu di keluh kesahin,
Justru semakin banyak dan semakin bingung buat nulisnya disini :D
So...liat aja apa bulan December ini yg sudah terlewati selama 2 minggu akan ada tulisan sebanyak bulan2 yg sudah2, apalagi mengingat mau akhir tahun dengan banyaknya event, entah itu event pribadi/event keluarga/event org lain :P moga2 bs serajin dulu.
December...I'm still coming !!!!!
Oct 16, 2008
Selamat Idul Fitri yaaa...
Selamat Idul Fitri 1427 H
Molo adong pe na sala panghatai on dohot pangalaho nami,
Mangido ma’af ma hami, sian bagasan roha nami
Pauk pauk hudali ma pago pago tarugi,
Na tading taulahi,
Na sala ta pauli.....
[dgn amat sangat menyelami bahasa batak di kotanya]
Selamat Idul Fitri 1427 H
Molo adong pe na sala panghatai on dohot pangalaho nami,
Mangido ma’af ma hami, sian bagasan roha nami
Pauk pauk hudali ma pago pago tarugi,
Na tading taulahi,
Na sala ta pauli.....
[dgn amat sangat menyelami bahasa batak di kotanya]
Sep 3, 2008
Ya RamaDhan !
A new night
of the sacred month
the thin slice of the moon... the crescent
visible only a few minutes
to the naked eye
A sight beautiful
signaling new,
Greetings one to the other: Marhaban ya Ramadhan
And a few hours later
sounds of drums
Wake up! Wake up!
have a meal,
a simple glass of water!
Before the first light,
before you begin the fast,
make the intention
Wake up! Wake up!
And the day progresses, a slowing down;
restaurants closed, coffee houses empty.
And workers begin their trek home early
Late afternoon, the speciality stores open
selling the special once a year snacks,
crowds flocking and moving hurriedly
collecting their breakfast
And mothers prepare the traditional meals
taking extra time
for the fasting family
Only an hour before the sun sets
city streets empty,
as in a curfew,
And now only a few minutes,
family and friends gather around the table
making small talk
awaiting the moment...silence...
Start sound of adzan
Allah-hu Akbar
Allah-hu Akbar
Allah-hu Akbar
Allah-hu Akbar
(God is great) .....
And the siren, signalling the sun dipping below the horizon
And together, some with dates, some with a pinch of salt
"We take this food in the name of Allah, most gracious, ever merciful"
Prayers given
and later friends and family
mill around, some content
others tired, but all happy
on this day of Ramadhan...
Sep 2, 2008
Jul 19, 2008
Life is full of choices
Make sure you pick the right one
Don't listen to the voices
Hear only yours and you have won
Many people will tell you
You need to change your looks
Don't take to heart their view
Fabulous bods are found only in books
There is only one voice
That you should listen to
It will help make the right choice
That is perfect just for you
Your looks are your own
Someone will always love you
You will never be alone
Look in the mirror and you'll see who
Jun 25, 2008
pindah yuuuk?!?...sapa takut !?!
Suatu kepindahan dari satu kota ke kota lain atau dari satu kantor ke kantor lain selain meninggalkan kesedihan akan kota/tempat sebelumnya juga mendatangkan keasyikkan tersendiri menunggu apa yang akan terjadi di kota/tempat yang baru, begitu juga dengan kepenatan dan segala aktivitas kelelahan untuk membungkus/memasukkan barang barang penting yang perlu dibawa nantinya...
Waaaaah...emang bener, kalo harus ada yang ganti profesi baru dari dulu jadi professional mover 'tuh adalah gw. Gimana gak, sudah berapa kali aja gw packing barang buat pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain...pengalaman pra pindah yang sudah gw alami bungkus barang dari gardus kecil sampe gardus yang segede gaban...hehe, tanpa bantuan tenaga mover beneran. Nah, buat apa???...sudah jadi kebiasaan gw - jadi gak perlu kagok/frustasi lagi kalo disuruh pindah :P
Asyik emang ganti suasana tempat yang kita tinggalin, excited aja, dari ngurus ruang kosong sampe ruang yang siap huni, menyenangkan rasanya.
Jelas sulit atau gaknya kepindahan tergantung dari jauh apa gaknya kita pindah dari tempat asal. Sampe gw punya angka tingkat kesulitannya buat itu lho. Contoh seperti waktu gw pindah dari rumah orang tua ke kos-an, poin kesulitannya gw kasih nilai 2, karena hanya tinggal mindahin barang ke tas kresek/di masukkan mobil - terus bisa balik lagi deh kalo ada barang yang kelupaan, praktis kan!
Semuanya juga tergantung tiap orangnya lho, angka kesulitan ini buat pribadi gw aja.
Sapa takuuuuuut...!!!
yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk !
May 28, 2008
everyWHERE is HOME
Everywhere is home
Kata-kata di atas baru gw temui buat beberapa jam ini, dan artinya BENER BANGET !
hehehe...emang iya, percaya kata diatas punya kekuatan [euleuh, euleuh] yang bisa bikin gw sekarang gak meratap lagi berpisah dari apa yang gak mau d tinggalin dari Jakarta ini. Heh ! Rasanya agak sedikit plong dan aneh aja...ikhlas...sulit memang ya punya rasa ikhlas-ikhlas buat semuanya. Kaya'nya itu harus dipelajari lebih dalam buat berapa bulan ini, biar lebih ringan. Ringan melangkah kemana kaki ini jalan, anggep aja traveling...enjoy.
Jadi dimana aja enak hidup...
dimana aja enak bernafas...
dimana aja enak makan minum...
dimana aja enak tidur...
dimanapun enak buat berkarya...bahkan lebih
setuju...lebih enak kedengarannya...lebih indah buat gw...
Everywhere is home
Pertama gak percaya kalo kata diatas itu ada. Nyatanya memang real, apalagi buat orang-orang yang suka hidup gak menetap. Cukup banyak sudah gw ngobrol sama mereka, antusias mereka kalo cerita soal kepindahan, mereka bilang, seneng bgt punya banyak rumah atau kampung halaman....hhmmmm waktu itu jadi ikutan seneng dengernya.
Gak nyangka bisa sebahagia ini-jadi pingin cepet2 packing....hehehe.
Sabar...sabar, bu...
[Maksudnya sih takut lagi kalo berubah pikiran..Nah!?*&$@# :P]
Ya iya'lah..banyak masukkan berarti banyak juga yang nyetaninnya 'kan..hehe
Tapi percaya kalo ikhlas apapun di jalanin, bukan begitu, jeng?!
Gw mencoba meresapi kata diatas lagi..mmmhhh...terasa lebih amazing...
Gw nyoba juga sambil nutup mata...dan gw bayangkan, terasa apa yang gw rasain plus bayangkan 'tuh ada tempat yang nyaman buat hidup dan beraktivitas...pemandangannya juga luar biasa hijaunya...nyaman buat d tinggalin, hihihi..kok sepertinya terlalu indah kali ya, padahal 'kan di sana panasnya lebih dari Jakarta.
aaiih, rasanya kok jadi pingin kesana sekarang!
[Teori tadi yang gw kerjakan barusan ini namanya dream mapping-pernah ikutan kelasnya. jadi keinget deh sama trainernya yang cakep itu, eh apa kabarnya dia ya?!]
Ini serius...it's work for me ajarannya-memang gak salah kalo diterapin.
Sukses deh !
Everywhere is home...sudah pas! Tinggal dijalankan aja dengan enjoy.
Buktinya kucing tetangga sebelah bisa melahirkan dan ninggalin anaknya gitu aja d rumah ortu gw
hahaha... :)
i'm not a perfect person
Baru aja ini gw denger lagu The Reason-nya Hoobastank lagi, gak tau jadi punya arti deh lirik lagunya...
i’m not a perfect person
there’s many things i wish i didn’t do
but i continue learning
i never meant to do those things to you
and so i have to say before i go
that i just want you to know
i’ve found the reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
i’m sorry that i hurt you
it’s something i must live with everyday
and all the pain i put you through
i wish that i could take it all the way
and be the one who catches all your tears
that’s why i need you to hear
i’ve found the reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
i’m not a perfect person
i never meant to do those thing to you
and so i have to say before i go
that’s i just want you to know
i’ve found the reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
i’ve found the reason to show
a side of me you didn’t know
a reason for all that i do
and the reason is you
i’m not a perfect person
there’s many things i wish i didn’t do
but i continue learning
i never meant to do those things to you
and so i have to say before i go
that i just want you to know
i’ve found the reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
i’m sorry that i hurt you
it’s something i must live with everyday
and all the pain i put you through
i wish that i could take it all the way
and be the one who catches all your tears
that’s why i need you to hear
i’ve found the reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
i’m not a perfect person
i never meant to do those thing to you
and so i have to say before i go
that’s i just want you to know
i’ve found the reason for me
to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new
and the reason is you
i’ve found the reason to show
a side of me you didn’t know
a reason for all that i do
and the reason is you
QueStions ..???
If asking me where city that i luv...
i just answer it that's simple, this city...Jakarta
If asking me where city that i luv...
i just answer it that's simple, this city...Jakarta
So? What's the meaning of?..
hehehe, just curios...
apa gw secinta itu sama kota ini, yg mana gw d besarin sampe setua ini [eh gak tua2 amat sih]
Apa yg buat cinta bgt 'ma kota ini?..
banyak sebenernya, banyak bgt...dari kenyamanan hidup sampe pertemanan.
nah, itu dia...kenyamanan hidup yg perlu gw garis bawahi. Nyaman hidup dari survive yg gw peroleh sekarang sampe nyaman bernafas, itu yg susah d cari buat gw.
Is that the problem?..
Yup! problem bgt buat gw..karena akan keilangan momen2 penting.
Momen dimana gw bisa dapet temen, momen dimana gw bisa ketawa d bawah penderitaan gw sendiri bareng temen2 gw...hahahahaha, itu momen2 yg ntar akan ilang. Dan...satu lagi...rasanya ada yg gw akan kangenin...suara salah satu station radio kota ini yg gak akan gw dgrin tiap hari lagi nantinya...hiks, hiks...hiks...
Bukan, bukan kehidupan malam kota ini yg gw kangenin, bukan mall-mall yg bertebaran, bukan fasilitasnya dan juga bukan kemacetannya yang ntar gw kangenin.
Susah amat..ya disini aja kale?..
kalo d tanya...mau, mau banget.
tapi harus ada yg d prioritaskan, betul gak?!
harus ada yg di korbankan. sudah bukan jamannya ambil hura2 trus...hehehe, kok jadi sok wise gini.
Biar berat, tapi memang harus d kesampingkan.
Are u serious?..
gw gak pernah seserius ini. Malah maunya cepet2 aja.
cepet ninggalin semua momen2 yg bikin gw berat ninggalin kota ini.
Rasanya ada yg mau d lupain?..
uuugghh, sok tau ya! kalo iya knapa, kalo gak knapa. buat gw gak pusing amat deh. kalo emang mau d lupain-buat apa pake jauh2 ninggalin kota ini, 'toh kata orang wise bilang...jangan lari dari kenyataan...hehehe bener juga kan?! kalo lari, capek juga kali lari-lari aja, mending jogging tiap hari sehat drpd lari dari masalah.
What will u doing for?..
kehidupan yg lebih baik lebih indah kedengarannya.
tapi memang itu yg gw lakuin, lebih tertata hidup gw nantinya, lebih bisa nata kedepan, Semuanya.
Sudah d pikir bener2?..
mmmmh..gak usah pake mikir 5 kali, mikir 3 kali aja cukup kok, gak perlu banyak2 mikir. kata orang tua dulu...dimana bumi d pijak, disitu bumi d junjung...rasanya bener bgt ya! gak pake merengek lagi kalo dgr petuah begitu, gak akan pernah cengeng lagi. apapun yg d tinggalkan-pasti semua bisa cepet d lupain barang sekejab!
Gak perlu pertanyaan lagi deh rasanya?....
bener bgt! gak perlu d pertanyakan lagi...hihihi...good luck ya!
i just answer it that's simple, this city...Jakarta
If asking me where city that i luv...
i just answer it that's simple, this city...Jakarta
So? What's the meaning of?..
hehehe, just curios...
apa gw secinta itu sama kota ini, yg mana gw d besarin sampe setua ini [eh gak tua2 amat sih]
Apa yg buat cinta bgt 'ma kota ini?..
banyak sebenernya, banyak bgt...dari kenyamanan hidup sampe pertemanan.
nah, itu dia...kenyamanan hidup yg perlu gw garis bawahi. Nyaman hidup dari survive yg gw peroleh sekarang sampe nyaman bernafas, itu yg susah d cari buat gw.
Is that the problem?..
Yup! problem bgt buat gw..karena akan keilangan momen2 penting.
Momen dimana gw bisa dapet temen, momen dimana gw bisa ketawa d bawah penderitaan gw sendiri bareng temen2 gw...hahahahaha, itu momen2 yg ntar akan ilang. Dan...satu lagi...rasanya ada yg gw akan kangenin...suara salah satu station radio kota ini yg gak akan gw dgrin tiap hari lagi nantinya...hiks, hiks...hiks...
Bukan, bukan kehidupan malam kota ini yg gw kangenin, bukan mall-mall yg bertebaran, bukan fasilitasnya dan juga bukan kemacetannya yang ntar gw kangenin.
Susah amat..ya disini aja kale?..
kalo d tanya...mau, mau banget.
tapi harus ada yg d prioritaskan, betul gak?!
harus ada yg di korbankan. sudah bukan jamannya ambil hura2 trus...hehehe, kok jadi sok wise gini.
Biar berat, tapi memang harus d kesampingkan.
Are u serious?..
gw gak pernah seserius ini. Malah maunya cepet2 aja.
cepet ninggalin semua momen2 yg bikin gw berat ninggalin kota ini.
Rasanya ada yg mau d lupain?..
uuugghh, sok tau ya! kalo iya knapa, kalo gak knapa. buat gw gak pusing amat deh. kalo emang mau d lupain-buat apa pake jauh2 ninggalin kota ini, 'toh kata orang wise bilang...jangan lari dari kenyataan...hehehe bener juga kan?! kalo lari, capek juga kali lari-lari aja, mending jogging tiap hari sehat drpd lari dari masalah.
What will u doing for?..
kehidupan yg lebih baik lebih indah kedengarannya.
tapi memang itu yg gw lakuin, lebih tertata hidup gw nantinya, lebih bisa nata kedepan, Semuanya.
Sudah d pikir bener2?..
mmmmh..gak usah pake mikir 5 kali, mikir 3 kali aja cukup kok, gak perlu banyak2 mikir. kata orang tua dulu...dimana bumi d pijak, disitu bumi d junjung...rasanya bener bgt ya! gak pake merengek lagi kalo dgr petuah begitu, gak akan pernah cengeng lagi. apapun yg d tinggalkan-pasti semua bisa cepet d lupain barang sekejab!
Gak perlu pertanyaan lagi deh rasanya?....
bener bgt! gak perlu d pertanyakan lagi...hihihi...good luck ya!
May 27, 2008
Sakit lagi...lagi-lagi sakit, istilah kerennya tepar. Iya tepar buat kedua kalinya dgn penyakit yang sama-kata temen, penyakit gak elit! Hahahaha...ada sih komentar elit or gak elit..sama2 gak enaknya juga. Apalagi kalo sampe opname berhari-hari di rumah sakit-sama sekali gak ada nikmatnya hidup ini...Iya gak seh?!
Rasanya sih alur cara hidup gw udah hati-hati sejak sakit pertama, tapi nyatanya kecolongan juga yach..gak nyangka, bener-bener gak nyangka bisa sakit lagi. Iiiih! kapok banget, smoga cara hidup gw kali ini better than ever...i hope so...
Serius tapi jadi banyak yang dateng jenguk..rame banget jadi kayak kemping aja di kamar opname gw...hehehe...bawaannya juga macem-macem-saking banyaknya gw bagi-bagi ke suster [sampe kakak gw ngomel2 'tuh, duuuh]...jadi deh gw makan mulu, biar makan rumah sakit bubur terus tapi cemilannya beraneka ragam...tapi teteup gak enak...
Ya iya'lah...ya masa' ya iya dong !!!
May 9, 2008
Life is full of choices
Make sure you pick the right one
Don't listen to the voices
Hear only yours and you have won
Many people will tell you
You need to change your looks
Don't take to heart their view
Fabulous bods are found only in books
There is only one voice
That you should listen to
It will help make the right choice
That is perfect just for you
Your looks are your own
Someone will always love you
You will never be alone
Look in the mirror and you'll see who
Apr 9, 2008
I'm tired!
Yes, GOD... I'm tired!
Tired of being lonely and tired of being alone.
Tired of the voices of women instead of men.
I'm tired of seeing my older face [..hehehe]
Where a younger one should be.
Tired of acting my age
When inside I feel twenty-three.
Yes, I'm tired!
Tired of empty arms and empty nights.
Tired of an empty heart and an empty life.
Tired of loving no one and no one loving me.
I'm tired of being employee.
And just plain tired of being me.
I'm tired!
Yes, GOD... I'm tired but I can't turn back the years.
I just need your help, GOD,
To get through these middle tears...
reaDy To HaVe a pErfECt eVeNinG w/ DURAN DURAN?
Tahu novel Lupus? yang menghabiskan masa remaja di era '80-'90an pasti tahu dan pernah membaca novel Lupus. Karakter utama di novel tersebut, Lupus, amat tergila-gila dengan band fenomenal pada saat itu, Duran Duran. Banyak generasi muda '90an di Indonesia mulai mengenal Duran Duran dari novel Lupus, berbeda dengan generasi muda '80an yang dipenuhi dengan masa kejayaan Duran Duran.
Band yang berasal dari Birmingham, Inggris ini dibentuk pada 1978 oleh John Taylor dan Nick Rhodes. Nama ”Duran Duran” diambil dari seorang tokoh jahat bernama ”Dr. Durand Durand” yang ada pada sebuah film science-fiction berjudul Barbarella. Sang Drummer, Roger Taylor bergabung saat bertemu dengan John dan Nick dalam sebuah pesta, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan masuknya Andy Taylor yang mengetahui tentang Duran Duran melalui sebuah majalah yang mengiklankan audisi gitaris untuk Duran Duran, dan Simon Le Bon masuk paling akhir, melengkapi formasi orisinil mereka.
Duran Duran mulai menuju masa puncaknya, saat mereka merilis album kedua, yang bertajuk ”Rio” yang dimana di dalamnya terdapat hits-hits mereka seperti ”Hungry Like A Wolf”,”My Own Way”, ”Save A Prayer”, dan ”Rio” yang keempat-empatnya memperoleh peringkat atas pada UK Top 20. Hanya saja pada saat itu mereka hanya dikenal publik Inggris, belum publik US. Mereka mulai dikenal dunia saat pada saat single mereka ”Hungry Like A Wolf” mulai menaiki peringkat atas di chart-chart US, dan juga untuk membuat publik US mengenal Duran Duran lebih jauh, mereka merilis ulang album pertamanya dengan tambahan lagu berjudul ”Is There Something I Should Know?”, yang dimana lagu ini malah memeproleh peringkat 1 di UK secara langsung dan peringkat 4 di US.
Duran Duran tetap eksis hingga saat ini, walaupun setelah berkali-kali gonta-ganti personil, kali ini mereka melakukan tur dengan barisan personil mereka yang asli, yaitu Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes, John Taylor & Roger Taylor hanya saja minus Andy Taylor. Duran Duran telah merelease album terbarunya ”Red Carpet Massacre” dengan hits singlenya ”Falling Down” pada tanggal 19 November 2007 lalu.
Dan pada tanggal 8 April 2008 kemaren, mereka tampil secara live di Jakarta! Konser tersebut bertajuk DJI SAM SOE FILTER MOMENT AN EVENING WITH DURAN DURAN, dan pastinya dinanti oleh pecinta musik pop rock electronic era 80-90an. Bertempat di Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center, dengan harga tiket untuk kelas Tribune : Rp 1.500.000 dan untuk kelas Festival : Rp 750.000. Harga yang pantas untuk ukuran band yang sudah dapat dikatakan living legend. So, BE THERE AND GET READY TO HAVE A PERFECT EVENING WITH DURAN DURAN!??????
Ternyata...hiks...gak bs nonton...hrs ada yg d prioritaskan...hiks...
Mar 27, 2008
duRan duraN concert
Grup yang ngetop di era 80-an, Duran-Duran akan menggelar konsernya di Plenary Hall, Jakarta Concention Centre pada 8 April 2008 pukul 20.00 WIB dalam an Evening with Duran-Duran
Duran Duran yang dibentuk di Birmingham, London pada 1979 ini, dalam penampilannya di Jakarta akan digawangi personel lama seperti Simon LeBon (vocal), Nich Rhodes (kibord), John Taylor (bass), dan Roger Taylor (drum)
Akankah gw liat konser mereka lagi seperti waktu semasa kuliah dlu?
Dengan tempat yang sama n' inget2 harga tiketnya waktu itu yang yang di Festival seharga Rp 90,000,- aja...[itu juga hadiah ultah dari kakak gw-yg udh punya gawe, soalnya tau sendiri uang jajan mahasiswa]... hehe, sekarang melambung sampe Rp 750,000,-.
F1 sepanG gRand pRix 2008
Mar 11, 2008
a simpLe tHank yOu for frienDs
Into the dim lit, bare walls of my world,
You entered, bringing light and life to me,
The vivid colors, painted with a swirl
Of wit and charm, of personality,
With tender care, you added comfort, warmth,
And images that line the now bright walls.
I look upon them fondly, bringing forth
A thankfulness that you walk in these halls
With me; our friendship has become a part
Of my world now; it has its special place,
Within my being, life, and in my heart,
Your name hangs right beside your smiling face.
Rememb'ring just how drab these walls had been,
I have to thank you for the light, my lovely friends,
Especially on my birthday yesterday.....
anOtHer yEar Older
A birthday is just another day,
young of mind, yet youthful looks go away.
Another year older,
the world seems a bit colder.
Yet my heart still burns,
and for love it forever yearns.
Another year older,
I grow even bolder.
Life is for us to learn from,
as calculated as a mathematical sum.
Another year older,
hurting blazes now just smolder.
Letting go of past rage and pain,
living life and feeling sane.
Another year older,
a tear on your shoulder.
Life has not been so bad,
my tear is of joy not because I'm sad.
Another day older,
more pages added to my folder.
I'm glad of whom I am today,
I would not have myself any other way.
So don't mind that I write my own birthday rhyme,
I've lived through my life up till this time.
I think it is safe to say,
that things will go as planned God way.
God's got more for me yet,
It'll be even better I bet.
Another year older,
and I am in God debt.
Mar 9, 2008
Each birthday wish
I've ever made
Really does come true
Each year I wish
I'll grow some more
And every year
I've ever made
Really does come true
Each year I wish
I'll grow some more
And every year
Jan 31, 2008
missiNg yoU alReady
I'm sorry...
That again I missed you
It wasn't something
That I wanted to do
It's been too long
Since we've spoken
And since that time
My hearts been broken
I know that come tomorrow
You'll be going away
I know that I'll be lonely
Each and every day
I know that you'll return
Well, safe and sound
I know this to be true
Because our loves on solid ground
So until you come home
I'll think of you each minute
When I think of my world of love
You're the only one who's in it
Take care of yourself, honey
My love will be with you
When you return back home
Loving you is all I want to do...
Meja song...im missing you...
code zone watch movies |
Jan 28, 2008
they deserve
Can you tell by looking into my eyes that I'm lying
Lying about being okay
Cause I'm really not
In case you haven't figured it out
I'm dying inside broken and bruised all over
I've hidden it all inside
All the pain and the tears
I try not to let it show around the world
I only let the tears flow when no one else is near
Cause I know everyone will think somethings wrong
Then they will be worried
But they were never worried about me before
They always pushed me to the side
Shutting me up before I even say anything at all
Whats the deal with that
I don't need there sympathy anymore
Not now not even when I'm long gone
There tears then won't mean anything
They won't even be real
Those tears will be fake just like them
I don't care if they know that I'm alone
Cause I don't want them to come near me
There a disease in disguise
Disgusting as can be
I don't want they have so stay away from me
Stay far away
Cause I'm better without anyone near
Especially someone like them
I could care less if they were dying
Cause they never really cared that I was dying inside
Went along with there lives
I never meant anything to anyone at all
Only when I was in tears
Only then they pretend to care
I hope they get what they deserve
I hope they suffer
Hope karma hits them so hard
That it will knock them down and they can't get up
I know I can make it on my own
I don't need them to stay alive
When I got me, myself, and I
I've always been broken
And my pain has became numb
So I don't need anyone anymore
I'm strong enough on my two feet
Where I can do anything
One day I will be better then them
And one day they might need me then I can push them away like they did me
They deserve to suffer
They deserve to be in pain and know what its like to wanna die
Jan 13, 2008
lost of love
Love is sweeter than chocolate, more colorful than the rainbow, brighter than the sunlight n' beautiful than the red rose.
These few words are enough to explain the real meaning of love. These definitions have not been given by any scholar or any intellectual who regard love to be a subject that needs to be studied but these are the true feelings of the lovers who have been completely lost in love. I meet many acquaintances during the journey of life. Some of them appeal to our senses n' i include them in our lives, while some of them just pass our way without making any difference in our lives.
But few of these acquaintances have something special about them, which make us fall in love with them. Slowly the acquaintance becomes more than just being a friend n' at one stage of your life, it seems as if your entire life revolves around this particular person.
This condition has been appropriately termed by the experienced lovers as ‘lost in love’. Earlier you never felt this way for any other person, but now whenever you close your eyes, the only person who comes to your mind is your beloved. This situation is enough to give indications of your being lost in love. When a person falls in love, he/she is regarded to be a very fortunate person, who gets the opportunity of experience on of the most beautiful human emotions. When love blooms in a person’s life, everything takes a positive turn in his or her life. But sometimes, the person gets too busy with his/her life that he/she is not able to identify love in his life only n' eventually ends up losing a person who would have loved him/her most dearly for his/her entire life.
How To Identify Whether You Are Lost In Love Or Not
These few words are enough to explain the real meaning of love. These definitions have not been given by any scholar or any intellectual who regard love to be a subject that needs to be studied but these are the true feelings of the lovers who have been completely lost in love. I meet many acquaintances during the journey of life. Some of them appeal to our senses n' i include them in our lives, while some of them just pass our way without making any difference in our lives.
But few of these acquaintances have something special about them, which make us fall in love with them. Slowly the acquaintance becomes more than just being a friend n' at one stage of your life, it seems as if your entire life revolves around this particular person.
This condition has been appropriately termed by the experienced lovers as ‘lost in love’. Earlier you never felt this way for any other person, but now whenever you close your eyes, the only person who comes to your mind is your beloved. This situation is enough to give indications of your being lost in love. When a person falls in love, he/she is regarded to be a very fortunate person, who gets the opportunity of experience on of the most beautiful human emotions. When love blooms in a person’s life, everything takes a positive turn in his or her life. But sometimes, the person gets too busy with his/her life that he/she is not able to identify love in his life only n' eventually ends up losing a person who would have loved him/her most dearly for his/her entire life.
How To Identify Whether You Are Lost In Love Or Not
flirting again..
A sidelong glance,
A funny remark!
Glittering eyes
Meeting in the dark.
Fear of what’s to come
Glad of what is here.
Hoping, wishing, believing
We will be as one...
I think of you each morning,
And dream of you each night,
I think of your arms being around me,
And cannot express my delight
A funny remark!
Glittering eyes
Meeting in the dark.
Fear of what’s to come
Glad of what is here.
Hoping, wishing, believing
We will be as one...
I think of you each morning,
And dream of you each night,
I think of your arms being around me,
And cannot express my delight
Jan 1, 2008
hope is lifefull in 2008
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