Dec 26, 2007
bunch of love to my mom
Dec 16, 2007
finally, i realize
my soul,
my treasure,
My today,
my tomorrow,
my forever,
My everything!
...and this bellow song is perfect to you...
On this night I wanna swear
I will always be there by your side
This I promise you babe
That I will always treat you right
'Coz so many men i know
You’re the one that I love so true
Every little thing you did to me
Nobody else can do
I do I do I do I do I do... love you
I do I do I do I do I do... need you
I do I do I do I do I do... think about you
There’s nothing that I want, but You...
Don’t keep the problem inside
Just tell me and we’ll try to fix it up
We’re gonna go thru' this together
I’ll be there for you anytime you want
[Ten2Five song]
I realize...
You are everything I ever wanted.
On you my future happiness depends.
Unless I'm with you all my thoughts are haunted.
After seeing you, my unease ends.
Reason warns me that I am in danger
Eventually, everything must fade.
My love, like yours, is flammable in anger.
Yet my trust is such, I'm not afraid.
Something in our love's more than emotion,
Underneath each thought and each desire
Not even all the water in the ocean
Seems up to putting out this one small fire.
How could this be? Within our love is something
Immeasurable, infinite, and good.
Nothing in all life can match this one thing
Each other passion would be, if it could.
Dec 11, 2007
secreT feelinG
And that's because I am afraid to show it
He would get upset if he knew how i felt
And even more for the pain I've dealt
If I told him our friendship would have to end
Then I couldn't even have him as a friend
I get so jealous, he likes her instead
I hate how this all goes through my head
Even you let me taste your sweet kiss
Maybe then I would know about all this
I could know for a fact that this was true
But now all I can say is that I love you
So please give me just one chance
To show you true, sweet, romance
I owe it to you, for all that you do
You make me happy, mad, and even sad too.
If only you'd look through my smile
And saw that my love for you was in denial
My friends all know I still love you
But one question, "do you?"
My heart is so happy whenever your near,
But when your gone my eye gives a tear
My sadness for you is all so true
Only because I love you
So if you are my friend, at least one bit
You won't mind that one little slit
The one I told you, and just you about
I told you because I trusted you without a doubt.
You turned your back on me and turned it into you,
Which made me do what I had to do,
You put me through so much pain,
Your pains putting me down the wrong lane.
Some how this pain keeps reeling me in
You say you don't want me, but you let my love unfasten.
You let it unfasten into your soul.
Which makes our friendship less dull
I want you to know, you brighten my day.
Even when you stop just to say hey
Your smile so bright, is what keeps me going,
Which keeps my love for you showing
So please open up your eyes
Before I start telling those pointless lies
My love for you will never end
Even if I am only your friend
I want you to be happy,
I only wish it could be with me,
Because even though
I'm not "that beautiful"
I'm not something you should just pass.
I have feelings just as much as you,
And just like you, I'm human too.
Once we get out of this affair
It won't matter if we were cool
So show all your friends the real guy
I know Because as of right now
I'm not letting go
Not letting go of that great guy I met
Because once I met him my heart was set
My heart was set on the guy of my dreams
Or so now that's what it seems
Please forgive me if I start to cry
But to me you are my one and only guy
You can make me smile with just one hi
And make me feel sad with that same goodbye
My stomach gets those silly butterflies
When ever i look deep into your soft black eyes
For when we go our separate ways,
These are of course my sadder days,
For not being your friend is the worst thought of all,
It makes my heart just sink and fall
For you are the man that makes my heart skip that beat
And without you I seem incomplete
So bare with me now,
As I am only your friend
As I try to get this feeling to end.
If only you would give me that one chance,
To show you true sweet romance,
For then you'd know my love is real,
But now I will just have to deal.
Well that's all that my heart has got to say
But promise me now on this day
That you will at least be my friend...
For someone-who's make my life seems brighter 'till now
Dec 10, 2007
december 5th
Nov 27, 2007
dan semua orang pun berlari
Rasanya hanya sampai disana aku dapat menghitung waktuku
Tak ada kata Abad dalam kamusku yang cukup tebal itu
Dan mungkin bukan hanya aku saja yang tak mengerti
Karena aku hanya berlari diantara kata-kata yang kumengerti
Terlalu letih perjalanan untuk mengartikan sebuah arti...
: bahkan membayangkannya
Apakah semua sepertiku?
Berlari dengan mengeja setiap langkahnya
Berlari dengan segenap tapaknya
Berlari beriringan dengan sosok wajah yang senantiasa tersenyum
Ataukah tanpa melihat kehadiran lainnya
Kemarin aku masih bertanya diujung lidah
Letihkah mereka
Berpeluhkah mereka
Tersengal-sengalkah udara yang keluar dari hidung bahkan mulut mereka
Yang terlihat mirip kepulan asap didapur ibuku jika suara ketel telah memanas
Hari ini aku mendapat jawaban
Layaknya seorang anak sekolah mengerti setiap kunci soal di kertas ujian
Ya...baru kupahami
Lariku tidak seorang diri
Lariku tidak 'lah sia-sia seperti mengais di tanah tandus
aku bahagia
aku bahagia, pekikku
Ternyata dan semua orang pun berlari...
Dengan waktunya masing-masing
Nov 20, 2007
dan tidurlah
Pada sering gak ?
or mimpi-mimpi yang lain ?
Mimpi serem mungkin ?
Kalo kata orang tua, waktu gw kecil dulu - mimpi serem 'coz kita lupa berdoa sebelum tidur (siang or malem)...ada benernya juga.
Tapi kalo mimpi indah...uuuuuggghhh, sering banget gw-apalagi buat orang2 yg gw cintai-indah !
Biasanya semakin kita pikirin sosok 'tuh orang, semakin juga kita mimpiin, terkadang cuman mimpi makan ice cream sama sosok itu...
Aneh juga...hehehe, tapi mimpi 'kan bunga tidur ya.
Tidur suatu kenikmatan yang gak bisa ditolak, apalagi pas jam-jam lelah 'n penat [itu yang gak bisa gw sanggah juga sebagai manusia normal yg masih butuh rehat di jam biologis gw]...trus ditambah bonus pake mimpi sosok yang kita cintai. Bonusnya sudah berlipat ganda kan...nikmatnya.
Sperti llirik lagu andra 'n d backbone ini.....
Lepaskanlah segala yang tlah kau lewati
Bermimpilah Mimpi tentang diriku
Jadikanlah sebagai bunga tidurmu yang indah
Dan tidurlah sayang
Biarkan dirimu merentang melayang
Dan aku disana menunggu dirimu di gerbang bersama
Sampai esok tlah menjelang
Selamat bobo'...
Selamat mimpi indah...
Mimpiin gw yaaaaaa....LHO !!!??? *&^%$#@ :P
Nov 18, 2007
dear you
for only then will you see the truth.
See the tears I cry for you each day,
because you have no idea the pain you cause.
You do not understand what you mean to me,
what I would give for you,
how much I need you right now.
I can’t bring myself to tell you to your face that I love you,
so I write it down and hope you find it one day.
Maybe when that day comes you will know,
for only then will you watch closely enough to see.
To see how much you mean to me,
how I really feel.
But then it will have been to long,
I will have moved on,
and you will only wonder,
What could have been?!
As for me,
I'm through wondering!!
Nov 5, 2007
do i belong to you?
I know for me there is no better place
I found heaven when I found you
The look in your eyes says you found it too
You came into my life just like a melody
And lingered in the very heart and soul of me
You bring laughter in my sorrows
Hope for a better tomorrow
You took my life and made it beautiful
And for that I am truly grateful
Your love has captured me
Broke my chains and set me free
I knew from the start that this was God’s plan
You and I become one, hand in hand
When I am weak you make me strong
With you is where I belong
Oct 29, 2007
just to be near u
I would run so many miles...
If it meant to be near to you
I would scale the mountains of the moon
If I could drink from the cup you do
But what would you do for me?
Set aside an hour for a kiss?
What if war broke out?
Is there anything of me you'd miss?
You're moving faster than that
And I am following on my rope
Cut the cord and let me go
For me now there is no hope
Drag me like a dog behind
Tied to your car and forgotten
Let me run a mile or so
Before dying; you'll love again
I tried to do what I felt so deep
But nothing is good enough for you
So goodnight my dear, please sleep well
For to you I bid adieu...
Oct 8, 2007
kembali ke fitrah
Sains membawa kemajuan materi
Agama membawa pencerahan hati
Selamat hari raya idul fitri
Mohon maaf bila pernah menyakiti
Bila akal berkata mudik merepotkan
Cinta berkata mudik mencerahkan
Bila akal berkata maafmu pasti kau berikan
Cinta berkata mohon maafku harus kukatakan
Kebenaran sejati tak pernah berubah
Walau telah lama dimakan sejarah
Mohon maafkan segala salah
Semoga di hari raya hidup kita makin terarah
Ada suka ada duka
Ada siang ada malam
Kuucapkan selamat hari raya
Segala salah mohon dimaafkan
Pengetahuan memudahkan kehidupan
Agama memberi arah peradaban
Mohon maafkan segala laku kesalahan
Semoga di hari raya kita tambah beriman
Perilaku sesat selamanya sesat
Tidak jadi benar karena perubahan jaman
Di hari idul fitri kuucapkan selamat
Mohon hapuskan segala kesalahan
Kuda perang berpacu kencang
Kuda beban berjalan pelan
Maafkan bila aku berteriak lantang
Mohon maafkan segala kesalahan
Kesenangan tidak sama dengan kebahagiaan
Agamalah pembawa kebahagiaan sejati
Mohon maafkan segala kesalahan
Semoga berbahagia di hari raya fitri
Akal menunjukkan jalan di bumi
Hati menunjukkan jalan nurani
Segala salah mohon diampuni
Idul fitri kita rayakan lagi
Lemon mentah lemon masam
Agar manis diberi gula
Mohon maaf segala kesalahan
Agar kita kembali fitri di hari raya
Selamanya api adalah api
Selamanya salah adalah salah
Selamat hari raya idul fitri
Mohon maafkan segala salah
Siang hari kulit berminyak
Biar cerah diberi bedak
Ikhlaskan segala salah tindak
Biar lebaran hatiku enak
Tafsir sesat membawa bencana
Penyebarnya harus diadili
Selamat bergembira di hari raya
Segala salah mohon diampuni
Menjelang lebaran rumah dicat
Biar keluarga jauh betah bertandang
Maafkan aku bila pernah berlaku cacat
Biar hari raya hati kita lapang
Buah pisang tidak akan jadi sapi
Meskipun mereka sepakat dia sapi
Selamat hari raya idul fitri
Segala kesalahanku mohon dieliminasi
Hati lapang hati yang tenang
Hati sempit hati tak tentram
Maafkan aku dengan hatimu yang lapang
Semoga lebaran hati kita tentram
Durian montong enak sekali
Jangan lupakan saudara, dimakan sendiri
Maafkan aku bila pernah menyakiti
Jangan lupa berdoa agar kembali fitri
idul fitri celebration
(Bahasa Jawa)
Wilujeng Idul Fitri 1428 H, sim kuring neda dihapunten samudaya kalepatan.
Kuring neda dihapunten kana samudaya kalepatan, boh bilih aya cariosan anu matak ngarahetkeun kana manah, da sadayana oge mung saukur heureuy, manusa mah teu tiasa lumpat tina kalepatan jeung kakhilafan
(Bahasa Sunda)
Horas, Selamat Idul Fitri 1428 H, molo adong pe na sala panghatai on dohot pangalaho nami, mangido ma’af ma hami, sian bagasan roha nami
Pauk pauk hudali ma pago pago tarugi, Na tading taulahi, na sala ta pauli….
(Bahasa Batak )
Selamat Idul Fitri 1428 H, mohon maaf lahir & batin atas samua kita pe kesalahan.
(Bahasa Manado)
Salamaik Hari Rayo Idul Fitri 1428 H, Mohon Maaf Laia Jo Bathin Jiko Ado Salah
(Bahasa Padang)
Oct 4, 2007
Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, terimakasih Engkau telah menciptakan dia dan
Terimakasih untuk saat-saat indah yang boleh kami nikmati bersama...
Terimakasih untuk setiap pertemuan yang boleh kami lalui bersama...
Terimakasih untuk setiap saat-saat yang lalu.
Saya datang bersujud
Yaa Allah, jika saya bukan (pemilik) tulang rusuknya, janganlah biarkan saya
Janganlah biarkan saya melabuhkan hati saya di
Kikislah pesonanya dari pelupuk mata saya dan usirlah dia dari
Gantilah damba kerinduan dan cinta yang bersemayam di
Tolonglah saya
Tetapi jika Kau ciptakan dia untuk saya, yaa Allah, tolong satukan hati
Bantulah saya untuk mencintai, mengerti dan menerima dia seutuhnya.
Berikan saya kesabaran, ketekunan, dan kesungguhan untuk memenangkan
Bimbinglah dia agar dia juga mencintai, mengerti dan mau menerima
Yakinkanlah dia bahwa saya sungguh-sungguh mencintai dan rela membagi suka dan duka saya dengan dia.
Yaa Allah Maha Pengasih, dengarlah doa saya ini.
Lepaskanlah saya dari
Allah Yang Maha Kekal, saya tahu Engkau senantiasa memberikan yang terbaik
Luka dan keraguan yang saya alami pasti ada hikmahnya.
Pergumulan ini mengajar saya untuk hidup makin dekat pada-Mu, untuk lebih
Ajarlah saya
Jadikanlah segala sesuatu dan setiap bagian hidup saya menurut kehendak-Mu
Doa diatas pernah terkirim oleh seseorang tahun lalu (saat itu gw gak tau apa yang ada di benaknya) yang gw tau cuman lebih bisa memahami apa yang terbesit dari si pengirim ke depannya, jadi gw bisa ambil sikap yang seperti yang dia mau ... makasih udah buka mata hati gw lebar2 ... makasih ...
Oct 3, 2007
your town, i choose
Waltz a lazy circle in the centre of the road.
Love in quiet passion to the cricket's secret song.
Dry my tears and murmur over all my lonely times.
Take me to the someplace mid the trees across the road.
Claim for me a blessing and remission of my sins.
Share again the vows that will always keep us one.
Join again my hoping for someone.
Take me always keep me through the lessons of this life.
Talk with me to keep our purpose one.
Forgive in me my selfishness and teach me gentle love.
Pray one day that we be man and wife.
When we've walked and talked and loved again this breathless night.
And looked to depth once more in much loved eyes.
Lock your car - discard the key.
For once for all, my love for me.
Please drive me home in mine.
Sep 26, 2007
first time
Are those your eyes, is that your smile
I've been lookin' at you forever
But I never saw you before
Are these your hands holdin' mine
Now I wonder how I could of been so blind
For the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin' back at me
Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time...
Can this be real, can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you
It's all so strange how can it be
All along this love was right in front of me
For the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin' back at me
Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time...
Such a long time ago
I had given up on findin' this emotion...
Ever again
But you live with me now
Yes I've found you some how
And I've never been so sure
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time I'm seein' who you are
Can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin' back at me
Now I understand why love is...
Love is... for the first time...
I love this song so much...that since i heard someone sang to me and i realized what meaning is....
Luv you, bro...hope we're gonna see each other someday and someplace...
Sep 21, 2007
risK for loving
Sep 17, 2007
city that i love
Puasa sudah jalan 5 hari, berarti bulan Ramadhan lagi bergulir...kebiasaan yang ada di negara kita pasti jauh-jauh hari mikirin di awal bulan Syawal harus kumpul bareng keluarga besar, gimanapun caranya...ya gak sih ?!...
Iya juga sih, gak juga gak masalah...itu juga yang tiba-tiba jadi rencana keluarga gw-padahal, sedari gw kecil, keluarga gak pernah bingung mikirin 'ntar mau lebaran dimana, ya karena kita gak ada tempat yang mau dituju buat sungkem (kata org jawa), istilahnya gak pernah pulang kampung, gak pernah ngrasain bingung beli tiket pesawat/kereta api/kapal api sekalipun, gak pernah ikutan bermacet-macet ria di sepanjang jalan, eh...ndilalah, bokap ngajakin ke Jogja buat lebaran...hah ??!?! Tau sih ada keluarga kakak disana (yang katanya gak bisa lebaran di Jakarta kali ini)...oalah pantes ! pasti bokap kangen berat 'ma cucu-cucunya ya... tau sih, tapi kok mendadak begini...pasalnya denger berita di TV tiket kereta api sudah tinggal 30% ! rata-rata yang habis daerah jawa tengah...weleh... gak ngebayangin kalo harus naik transport darat, macet total yang pasti. Tiket pesawat? huaaaa sdh naik berapa kali lipatnya 'tuh....(ini gw hunting persis 2 hari sebelum puasa mulai)...sempet bingung juga, sampe gw capek mikirinnya, agak sedikit stress waktu gw kalkulasikan pengeluaran total buat 'ntar...hahahaha...masalahnya sapa lagi yang bayar...hihihihi...tapi dipikir-pikir, ya namanya setahun sekali, gak apa kali...
Tepat sehari masuk Ramadhan, orang tua batalin pergi ke kota yang gw cintai itu... lho ! padahal 'dah seneng aja rame-rame liburan gitu...ngebayangin makan nasi kucing, gudeg, mie jawa yang di Kaliurang, sate sapinya, jajanan pasarnya, nasi keraknya, gethuknya, soto pak Marto, makan bubur ayam di halaman UGM, trus pecel plus jus tomatnya, belum lagi jalan-jalan di Malioboronya, dll dlsb....waaaaahhhh.....yummy !
Terakhir batal mimpi gw kesana, denger kabar kakak plus keluarganya mau datang ke Jakarta, walaupun bukan pas pertama Syawal (kakak udh lama juga gak lebaran disini)...
Tapi kenapa Jogja ya, gw pingin berkali-kali dateng...bukan juga karena gw orang Jawa, alamnya yg buat gw betah disana, selain makanan yang emang cocok buat lidah gw. Enjoy aja gw kesana, dan gw gak bosen-bosennya pergi ke Borobudur + Prambanan liat sendratarinya-kalo lagi full moon a.k.a. bulan purnama, magis ngliatnya (magisnya lain sama suasana Bali)...
Sudah 2 tahun gak liat Jogja-sejak ada gempa disana (gw sempat liat wedhus gembel dari puncak gunung), kangen banget lho liat Jogja...jadi keinget 'ma judul lagu Yogyakarta yang kesukaan kakak gw itu...
Pulang ke kotamu
Ada setangkup haru dalam rindu
Masih seperti dulu
Tiap sudut menyapaku bersahabat, penuh selaksa makna
Terhanyut aku akan nostalgi
Saat kita sering luangkan waktu
Nikmati bersama
Suasana Jogja
Di persimpangan langkahku terhenti
Ramai kaki lima
Menjajakan sajian khas berselera
Orang duduk bersila
Musisi jalanan mulai beraksi
Seiring laraku kehilanganmu
Merintih sendiri
Ditelan deru kotamu ...
Walau kini kau t’lah tiada tak kembali
Namun kotamu hadirkan senyummu abadi
Ijinkanlah aku untuk s’lalu pulang lagi
Bila hati mulai sepi tanpa terobati ...
Kalo keinget lagu ini, persis seperti suasana kotanya...
untungnya gak ada kenangan apa-apa di sana...
Ijinkanlah aku untuk s'lalu pulang lagi ... Bila hati mulai sepi tanpa terobati...
Sep 4, 2007
awesome eyes
Your eyes, filled with mystery,
I wish you’d have them on me,
Your eyes, filled with passion,
Flares with beauty’s incarnation.
Your eyes, makes my darkest day bright,
If only I could look at them late at night
Your eyes, tells me it’s a dream come true,
If only my other dreams were too.
Your eyes, could always comfort me,
I wish, they’d be mine for eternity,
Your eyes, makes eternity bliss,
Who could deny a miracle like this?
Your eyes, soft dark, yet bright,
I love the way they tell me “it’s all right”,
Your eyes, when you love, fills with emotion,
They would enchant me into the deepest ocean.
Your eyes, they tell me you don’t love me,
I hate the way your eyes can leave me lonely,
Your eyes, the beauty I can never understand,
These feelings embedded by the touch of your hand.
Your eyes, it’s a secret I can never keep,
I have somehow fell in love so deep,
Your eyes, how could God create this from above,
When he looked at you, how could He not fall in love?
Your eyes, the window to your soul and heart,
They make me want to be with you, never to part.
Your eyes, surpasses the beauty of paradise,
The only silent unnoticeable bliss I have… your eyes…
Dan pernah kejadian, gw liat mata seseorang yang lagi jatuh cinta, memang big different jadinya, amazing yach ! Indah....
di bawah ini penggalan song lyric...yang kemaren sempet gw dengerin dari CD, suara Clayaiken kedengaran menyayat di telinga gw...apa CD gw yang susak ya !?
I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when Im older
Now this mountain I must climb
Feels like a world upon my shoulders
I through the clouds I see love shine
It keeps me warm as life grows colder
In my life theres been heartache and pain
I dont know if I can face it again
Cant stop now, Ive traveled so far
To change this lonely life ...
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me
Im gonna take a little time
A little time to look around me
Ive got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me
In my life theres been heartache and pain
I dont know if I can face it again
I cant stop now, Ive traveled so far
To change this lonely life
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me...
Kenapa kok lagu ini ? Bukan, bukan gw lagi tergila2 'ma ini lagu, karena akhir2 belakangan hari banyak banget (kalo lebih dari hitungan 3, berarti bisa dibilang banyak kan ya?!) gw denger pasangan putus-nyambung-putus-jadian lagi.. dengan pake hitungan jari, maximalnya cuman hitungan bulan...
Hallah ! kok sepertinya gampang banget ngobral cinta...Dan bukan juga gw sinis.
Gw yg denger jadi aneh sendiri, sebenernya bisa dibilang kategori cinta gak sih mereka, apa sepintas emosi aja ?...
Apa mereka juga termasuk kategori orang2 yang cepet banget jatuh cinta ?
Kayaknya mereka yg bisa jawab deh...
Memang jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya kata orang, kalo itu mah gw setuju banget 'tuh.
Rasa yang ada gak bisa digambarkan...ngerti banget juga kalo itu...hehehe...
Hmmm, tapi lagi2 kita gak bisa ngebohongin hati, suka or kesengsem (gw pinjem istilah nyokap gw) sedikit aja bisa mereka kategorikan cinta 'tuh...
Tapi kita manusia bebas, boleh dan sah-sah aja mengekspresikan hati kan !
Yo wes'lah....mereka ikutan bahagia juga'lah...
Aug 31, 2007
Looking for something smooth, creamy 'n cool ? maybe you can find like a coffee Frappuccino with caramel syrup added, served with whipped cream 'n caramel sauce drizzled on top. One of the sweetest coffee-based Frappuccinos, 'n also one of the most popular...especially for me :) ... (they serve many beverages 'n all are delicious), i tried it as a this frappuccino just a couple of hours ago...hmmm...(again 'n again). The taste is good, the caramel flavoring is still dominant 'n doesn't leave my mouth with sweety coolness....
Starbucks says the grande size comes with 16g of fat, 9g of saturated fat, and 57g of carbohydrates, 'n that's with the whipped cream topping. I suppose the barista did me a favor by leaving the chocolate sprinkles off.
i'll get one again before the weekends are over !
Aug 28, 2007
tiramisu...i love it !
Tiramisu is a cool, refreshing Italian dessert that once tasted, leaves an indelible impression on me.
Everybody knows by now that Tiramisu means “pick-
Layered cakes have been around for long time. The brilliant idea in Tiramisu is not in the technique of layering, but in the components. The great invention of combining together coffee, zabaglione cream, 'n chocolate.. This is the true innovation
in Tiramisu.
This is recipe of Tiramisu, maybe you can make at your home Tiramisu together with a cup of coffee with me........
CakeDirectionsWhite Chocolate Sauce
- SUGAR, 1-1/4 cups
- CREAM CHEESE, two 8-ounce packages
- HEAVY CREAM, 1 pint, whipped
- KAHLUA, 3 ounces
Dark Chocolate Sauce
- HEAVY CREAM, 3/4 cup
- HALF AND HALF, 1 cup
- SUGAR, 1/2 cup
- COCOA, 1/4 cup
- BUTTER, 3 tablespoons
- VANILLA EXTRACT, 1 teaspoon
CakeWhite Chocolate Sauce
- Prepare cake mix according to package directions and bake in 2 round layers.
- When cake has cooled, slice each layer to make four layers.
- Place waxed paper between layers and refrigerate until ready to assemble cake.
- Beat together egg yolks and sugar in top of double boiler until smooth and lemon colored.
- Bring water to a boil, reduce heat to low, and cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Remove mixture from heat.
- Stir in cream cheese, beating well.
- Let cool to room temperature.
- Fold cream cheese mixture into whipped cream.
- Refrigerate for 1 hour.
- Combine Kahlua and espresso.
- To assemble cake, place first layer on cake plate and brush with Kahlua mixture.
- Spread cream cheese mixture until barely spills over the edge.
- Repeat with remaining cake layers, finishing with cream cheese mixture.
- Dust top of cake with cocoa and confectioners' sugar.
- Serve with White Chocolate Sauce and Dark Chocolate Sauce swirled together on plate.
Dark Chocolate Sauce
- Melt white chocolate.
- Heat cream to boiling point.
- Whisk cream into melted chocolate until smooth.
- Refrigerate until ready to use.
- Whisk over low heat until sugar dissolves and butter melts.
- Increase heat to medium and whisk until sauce just begins to simmer.
- Remove from heat.
- Stir in vanilla.
- Cool before serving.
- Combine half and half, sugar, cocoa, and butter in a heavy, small saucepan.
cinta indonesia
weh...tadi pagi acara news di TV lokal heboh, ada apa sih? knapa sih? Ternyata berita penganiayaan orang indonesia di negara tetangga, kok ya lagi-lagi kejadian...apa gak bosen sih dianiaya ? apa gak risih sih denger berita seperti itu lagi ?!!! Gw aja bosen dengernya !, swear.... dari TKI sampe yang melanda wasit karate international competition...semua anak bangsa ini yang jadi korban. Gw bosen, gw bosen gak ada penyelesaian, gw bosen gak ada langkah tegas terhadap dinjek2nya negara ini, gw bosen gak ada satupun tindakan buat penyelesaiannya, dan gw bosen aja.....
Marah ? Dendam ? Benci ?...jelas mungkin itu semua jadi satu, mungkin juga kita gak bisa berbuat apa-apa, tapi kan harusnya sudah ada yang mikirkan ? Walaupun sesulit apapun, mungkin ada interaksi kepentingan lain atau mungkin ada kepentingan-kepentingan yang lainnya (yg gw gak tau apa2 dan bukan siapa2 buat urusan yg serumit itu), yang pasti semua pasti ada jalan keluar yang lebih dipertegas lagi buat bela negara ini dari apapun juga. Sayang sekali, padahal baru aja negara kita ulang tahun, ngrayain dirgahayu kemaren buat kemerdekaan yang sudah direbut 62 tahun yang lalu,... terus,... terus, artinya apa kalo ada kejadian yang diberitakan tadi pagi itu ? kok gak mudeng tho ! Ada pertanyaan besar dari dulu di otak gw, sebenernya negara tercinta ini sudah merdeka ato belum ya ?!!!!???? Merdeka dari apa sih 62 tahun kemaren ? Or negara yang sudah merdeka tapi anak bangsanya belum ya !
Sekali Merdeka Tetap Merdeka !
....(Slogan ini buat siapa?)
Aug 21, 2007
forbidden love
Remember me...
cinta negara
Biar saja ku tak seharum bunga mawar
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk mengharumkanmu
Biar saja ku tak seelok langit sore
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk mengindahkanmu
Kupertahankan kau demi tumpah darah
Semua pahlawan-pahlawanku
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Ku kan selalu menjagamu
sebatas hanya numpang lahir, besar, nuntut ilmu, kerja cari uang, menikmati fasilitas yang sudah disediakan.....dll...itu aja kan...dan gak pernah kepikir jauh buat nglakuin yang besar gitu...aneh. Apa itu yang disebut cinta negara ? Gak kayaknya ya !
Jadi keinget waktu jaman sekolah dasar dulu, setiap hari Senin, waktunya upacara, dan pastinya waktu nyanyi lagu kebangsaan plus lagu2 perjuangan...semangat banget-senengnya ampun-ampun deh...sepertinya kalo besar nanti mau jadi pejuang penerus bangsa...hehehe...nyatanya sampe sekarang, kenyataannya pejuang buat diri sendiri aja, paling2 nambah buat keluarga....mmmhhh
M E R D E K A ... !!! ...
Aug 9, 2007
...cinta tak ada logika
Temen gw sempet nyembulin kata "cinta gak pake logika".
UPS ! padahal itu banget yang mau gw tulis disini dari tadi...
kata2 diatas memang betul banget, selama ini yang gw rasa sama seperti itu...'n complicated...hahaha... tapi disini bukan rasa gw itu yang gw mau jabarkan [malu duong]-cuman kejadian-kejadian yang nyrempet aja kok. Pernah nyoba berpikir, dan gw sendiri gak tau-gak bisa gw jawab, rasa itu ada dengan tiba-tiba tanpa permisi dulu, tanpa liat-liat dulu, bahkan tanpa disuruh sekalipun.
Miracle !
Kejadian beberapa tahun lalu, gw bener-bener blingsatan [mirip cacing kepanasan] setiap dimana hari gw ketemu dia selama beberapa jam, apalagi kalo seharian [kalo ada acara yang buat kita musti kerja bareng], wuih.. rasanya gerah bener, gak tau rasa saat itu gw betul-betul pingin banget deket 'ma dia, sepertinya waktu itu gw asli mau ngapain juga demi deket dia [wow!] dan saktinya dia sama sekali gak tau kalo gw ada jalani rasa ini ada kali hampir 1 tahun 'n ngebuat hidup gw totally blur...hehe. Endingnya jelas, dia jadi cinta abiz 'ma gw, padahal gw gak nglakuin apa-apa lho...aneh kan?! Sayangnya gw 'ma dia gak pernah ada story jadian sama sekali, mungkin gw dah terlalu capek nyimpennya, tapi ada kejadian lagi dimana yang gw bener-bener capek-dan yang ini datangnya tiba2, gw gak undang, dia yang sendiri datang dengan pesonanya [yang waktu itu sama sekali gak gw perhatikan], anehnya juga gw gak tau, apa pura2 gak mau tau-kalo dia suka 'ma gw...dari segala kelakuan, kata2nya sampe prinsip hidupnya yang semua tertuju ke gw...gara2 gw juga dia ngilang beberapa tahun, gara2 gw juga dia datang lagi tiba2 dan gara2 gw juga dia ngomong buat yang kedua kalinya. Anehnya dan yang paling nyakitin, dia gak tau signal gw ! Damn !
Dan buat terakhir kalinya, gara2 gw juga dia nyesel denger pernyataan gw di waktu yang salah.....
Makanya dengan rentetan kejadian kaya' gitu harusnya gw lebih aware kan?! apa sih makna dari kata2 diatas itu ?
Nyatanya sih gak.........!
Ada kejadian lagi yang bikin gw ngaco sendiri, gw suka sama orang yang salah...lebih bikin gw makin blur lagi nih. Dan datangnya juga gak pake waktu yang tepat. Sayang banget.
Tapi gw menikmati semua itu kok-indah buat gw, tanpa ada rasa tertekan or menyesal.
Ada tulisan di bawah ini yang bikin gw lebih memandang indah semua rasa yang datang ke gw, biar gak ada logika sekalipun....[katanya]...ugh...
When I first met you I never knew I would feel the way I do I cheated, I lied, and I feel in love deeply in love unexpected I gave you my heart, body, and soul and in return all I got was a broken heart.
I never knew what it felt like to love another person but you came along and changed it all You did everything but the right thing and I still manage to love you Everything about you was perfect in my eyes even when you cheat and frounted my with your boys I thought it was true love but know I see that love is blind
They say love is blind and you made this true.
I never got to place you in a outfit either pink or blue.
Never rocked you in my arms as you quietly slept.
Not one tear did i get to dry as you sadly wept.
I still hold you everyday the only way i know how.
God doesn't take my love for you this much he does allow.
It is as strong as it would have been if I would have seen you.
After my journey in life is done I will carry my love through.
It will carry me straight to you, you will never be hard to find.
Looking into eyes that are mine that show a soul I made.
I will place you upon my chest where you always should have laid.
Jul 30, 2007
Jul 26, 2007
sorry, i love u
10 more minutes and it will be a new day
A new day but the same day The same people, the same self
The same dashed hopes, the same let down right after the other, the same inadequacies, the same life, the same lovelessness, the same longing, 'n utter desire, despair for something real, for something right
The same longing for you.
But in 10 more minutes it will have been 5 months 7 days Exactly 6 months since I said it 4 months since I give you a sign
A thousand years since I've been waiting for you to tell me something back
An eternity until I will ever find you. You're not going to take me are you? Only 7 minutes left You said a few months.
A few weeks to figure it out 7 minutes, and it will have been three. But if you don't know by now, I don't believe you could want it Because you don't I don't want to start crying.
No, not yet There are still 6 minutes left Why? Why don't I want to start to cry yet 6 minutes will not change what weeks could not I'll still be sitting in the corner of my bedroom, on the floor...
The drafty windows will still be letting in the cold air. The phone will still stay silent. I will still be alone. And you will be missing I will still be wanting you Without you wanting me back. I wish I could go back Back to when you liked me Back to when I was good enough. Now somehow I'm not. I don't understand. Have I really changed? Or did you just start to see the real me? Did you leave when you found out too much? You left You left when you realized I wasn't right Just like everyone does. And I can't understand it I can't understand why no one ever wants to stay around me Why is it that they never want to hold on for that long What am I doing wrong Really.
Tell me. I can't take this anymore Just tell me why I only have things for the time it takes for me to realize I love them? Just tell me why you don't think I'm good enough anymore You're the only person I believe. You're the only friend who hasn't lied to my face You're the only one that makes me feel special when you tell me I am You're the only one I trust So when you don't think I'm good enough, it hurts It really hurts And I just want to know why Why can't I ever be good enough 5 more minutes. You aren't going to change your mind in 5 minutes, are you? No. You won't But you would never tell me that Because you don't want to hurt me Which is why I love you And why it hurts me even more The fact that you care and I know that you care but you still don't want to have me I'm sorry I'm sorry for not knowing you liked me last year And for hurting you I'm sorry Not because I think if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be hurting now But because I care about you I love you And I always end up hurting the people I love I'm sorry I love you
Time 12:01
1 minute passed I'm sorry
It's hopeless ...
Jul 24, 2007
s o n g
Words meaning are something deep inside me... :P
May you sing this song with me ? O.K !?
1 ... 2 ...3. ..
...Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes
Love is in the air
In the whisper of the trees
Love is in the air
In the thunder of the sea
And I don't know if I'm just dreaming
Don't know if I feel sane
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when you call out my name
Love is in the air
Love is in the air
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Love is in the air
In the rising of the sun
Love is in the air
When the day is nearly done
And I don't know if you're an illusion
Don't know if I see it true
But you're something that I must believe in
And you're there when I reach out for you
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
And it's there when I look in your eyes...